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Traumatic Brain Injury. Complications [10 Feb 2010|04:12am]

/TBI also has a substantial impact on the functioning of family systems. Caregiving family members and TBI survivors often significantly alter their familial roles and responsibilities following injury, creating significant change and strain on a family system. Typical challenges identified by families recovering from TBI include: frustration and impatience with one another, loss of former lives and relationships, difficulty setting reasonable goals, inability to effectively solve problems as a family, increased level of stress and household tension, changes in emotional dynamics, and overwhelming desire to return to pre-injury status. Additionally, families may exhibit less effective functioning in areas including coping, problem solving and communication. Psychoeducation and counseling models have been demonstrated to be effective in minimizing family disruption./

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[10 Feb 2010|04:14am]
Liekas, ka dzirdēju koijotus atkal pāri ielai.
Skaisti dzīvnieki.
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[10 Feb 2010|06:48am]
Atkal jau konstatēju, ka vajag wc poda malas apsildīšanu.
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[10 Feb 2010|07:10am]

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[ viewing | February 10th, 2010 ]
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