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[24 Oct 2009|12:01am]
"Since we've to be here
Let's live
I love you
There's nothing wrong with me
Loving you, baby no no
And giving yourself to me can never be wrong
If the love is true

–Marvin Gaye, "Let's Get It On"
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[24 Oct 2009|12:31am]
[ music | Marvin Gaye – Let's Get It On ]

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Seattle graffiti [24 Oct 2009|01:00am]
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[24 Oct 2009|01:19am]
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[24 Oct 2009|10:50am]
E: I wouldn't mind seeing Santana; that man can do things with a guitar that would make Hendrix proud.

L: Santana plays the guitar like a man should be playing a woman's body.

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[24 Oct 2009|07:51pm]
L: The only thing I can think is that this whole situation is absolutely screwed up. US buys military weapons with Chinese money to kill military persons and civilians in another continent just because of different religious views. I think that is complete bullshit and the world has learned nothing since the times of the Bible.
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[ viewing | October 24th, 2009 ]
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