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Criminal tendencies

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pachka sigaret [13 Nov 2005|01:59pm]
[ mood | fucked up! ]

es partraucu savas attieciibas ar Barclay.peedeejaa pacinja.

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vecs,zinaams,tachu... tik aizraujosh... [13 Nov 2005|07:03pm]
[ mood | tuksh ]

A conversation between a girl and a boy:

Girl: Am I pretty?
Boy: No.
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No.
Girl: If I'd leave, would you cry?
Boy: No

As the girl started to leave, he grabbed her and said:
You're not pretty, you are the most beautiful girl in the world.
I don't want you I just need you to live.
And I wouldnt have a chance to cry if you'd leave, I would die..

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[ viewing | November 13th, 2005 ]
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