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a possitive attitude [06 Apr 2005|06:04pm]
Will a positive attitude solve all your problems? No, but it can open your eyes to the valuable opportunities within even the most difficult situations.

Will a positive attitude make you rich and powerful? No, but it will serve as a constant reminder that you can achieve whatever you choose to achieve.

Is a positive attitude a way to escape from reality? No, in fact a positive attitude is a very powerful and effective way to successfully deal with reality.

Will a positive attitude magically bring into your life all the things you desire? No, but it can enable you to see and to follow the very real path from where you are now to where you want to be.

Will a positive attitude bring you any new energy or resources? No, but it will give you vastly greater access to the overwhelming abundance that is already yours.

Do you want to fully live the best that life has to offer? A positive attitude will enable you to see it, so that you can be it.

Ralph Marston
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[06 Apr 2005|08:37pm]
[ mood | miegain&stresaini ]
[ music | tv muldosho sievieti ]

tik garshiigas pusdienas uz ielas veel nebiju baudiijusi!

"cilveeks ar naudu vienmeer ir cilveeks".

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[06 Apr 2005|08:58pm]
Poll #6568 valodas
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kuraas tu proti runaat/rakstiit/lasiit?

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16 (88.9%)

18 (100.0%)

8 (44.4%)

2 (11.1%)

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1 (5.6%)

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[06 Apr 2005|09:54pm]
Though your responsibilities and obligations are very real and pressing, they do not have to burden you. For when you are willing to accept responsibility for something, you put yourself in control of it.
Though the frustrations may be deep and numerous, they do not have to burden you. For by working your way through those frustrations, you are building valuable achievements.
Though a profound sadness may come down upon you, it does not have to burden you. For that sadness is possible only because you care so very much, and because you know without a doubt how beautiful life can be.
Though darkness may be all around you, it does not have to burden you. For that darkness only makes your own light more brightly visible.
Though the problems and distractions may seem to have no end, they do not have to burden you. For by moving through them you are moving toward your dream.
Though life may be difficult, it does not have to burden you. For you can live moment by moment by moment, joyfully making the most of each and every one.
Ralph Marston
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