@ McCormick's -- Day
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Criminal tendencies

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pasaule kaajaam gaisaa. [25 Jan 2005|04:58pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | swh ]

peec aptuveni 3min vins ienaaktu pa durviim, pasveicinaatu un ierosinaatu doties augsaa. es sekotu. neesmu tagad tur, kur vajadzeetu buut. bet pameeginaasu. driizaak gan ne. nesaprotu, kas ar mani notiek. laikam es vinu gribu. jaa.

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[25 Jan 2005|08:37pm]
Take the quiz: "What piercing are you?"

You're the popular girls at school. You like your lip gloss, boys and....er...boys. You are confident and have fun with your friends but you dont like to mix with the unpopular kids
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[ viewing | January 25th, 2005 ]
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