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Criminal tendencies

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[19 Oct 2004|07:18pm]

Your life is green. You want to work at something
until youre happy with the result. You always
feel the room for improvement in your life. And
you keep working at self fulfillment. Your life
is full of nature and growth and you enjoy it
very much. You get along well with someone with
a gold or orange life because you are always
trying to improve yourself.

What color is your life and how you would get along with other colored lives. Great Pix!!!
brought to you by Quizilla
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[19 Oct 2004|07:35pm]
[ mood | very bitchy ]
[ music | korn - trash ]

man likas, ka tiesam baigi grutais darbs uzdots, bet es diezgan atri uzrakstiju... tagad mani mac saubas, vai viss pareizi. nezinu...

varbut rit sanaks nokrasot matus spilgtakus... sarkanus... ceru, ka bus tik labi, ka domaju! vienigi saubas par krasas kvalitati, jo soreiz jaunu nopirku. bet negribas savus matus bojat...

vina man skaidri un gaisi teica, ka jabut sodien!!! tad parlika pec divam nedelam...

FUCK!!! kas tas ir?!

i neciesu liekuligus, divkosigus cilvekus! tagad pati redzu, kadi ir Dvini. saka vienu, dara ko citu, bet darbiba un vardi atkarigi no apkartejas publikas. visadas krasnas versijas sanak.

tik stulbi no malas izskatas!

tik viegli atsifrejami ka uz delnas!

tik riebigi!

un vispar - gruti noticet laimibai, ka nakamnedel brivdienas ;)

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[19 Oct 2004|07:55pm]
[ mood | very korn ]
[ music | korn - "issues" ]

(..)I see the flesh and it's goes fresh and it's just there for the taking

these little girls - they make me feel so god damn excalereted

I feel them up

I can't give it up


I don't now why I'm so fucking cold

I don't know why it hurts me

all I wanna do is get with you and make the pain go away

why do I have a contions

all it does is fuck with me

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[ viewing | October 19th, 2004 ]
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