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Saturday, January 29th, 2011

    Time Event
    haha, nē
    I have always had this notion that I completely made up, or it was in the atmosphere and I picked it up, but I have this notion that we have like 25% control over our fate. Yet with that 25% we can change 100% of our fate by simply taking control of this small portion that is ours. We own our fate and can change it, we can't change how we were nurtured but we may be able to change our very nature. I don't know if this made any sense.
    tas ir tik vienkārši, viena lieta izraisa citas, un nē, kvantu nenoteiktība to nemaina, tā varētu mainīt to, ka nevaram paredzēt nākotni, bet tas, ka pašreizējam stāvoklim ir līdz pirmsākumam izsekojami cēloņi, paliek nemainīgs.

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