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6.janv. II

Posted by [info]artemzija on 2009.01.06 at 13:24
Matmos - A Chance To Cut Is A Chance To Cure (2001).
Matmos ir elektroniskās mūzikas duets no Sanfrancisko, ASV. Šis 2001.g. albums ir īpašs ar to (vismaz manās acīs), ka skaņdarbi ir veidoti, par pamatu ņemot skaņas no plastiskajām, ķirurģiskajām un rinoplastiskas operācijām.
Iepostošu recenziju angļu valodā (tā nav mana, protams ;D), kur ir arī norādīts, kurā skaņdarbā kādas skaņas ir izmantotas. :)
A Chance To Cut Is A Chance To Cure is almost entirely built around sounds either generated by machines or reaction to treatments, or collected during surgery. This may well sounds uninviting, but Daniel and Schmidt create some strangely attractive atmospheres out of unlikely sources. The opening track, Lipostudio... And So On uses recordings of liposuction equipment and anaesthesia ventilators to populate this groove-ridden, jazz-influenced track. Elsewhere, human bones and skull are used to create a poly-rhythmic song (Memento Mori), or noises resulting of plastic surgery and rhinoplasty provide an interestingly iconoclastic background for the electro California Rhinoplasty. Other sources include reactive eye surgery (L.A.S.I.K.), acupuncture (Ur Tchun Tan Tse Qi) or a hearing test booth (Spondee). Daniel and Schmidt use these atypical resources as a basis for their music, sometimes adding layers of electric guitars, voice samples or other more conventional instruments. Matmos have developed, over the years, a particular way of composing and producing sonic art, reflecting the interest of both members for unusual settings. A Chance To Cut Is A Chance To Cure is a melting pot of unexpected noises, rhythms and voices, carefully put together by Daniel and Schmidt.

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