archangel's Journal


21st January 2005

5:43am: Questions...
"Why" is the worst of them. You can think-up a reason for everything. You may say whatever comes to your mind, but you'll be wrong anyway! You don't know the reasons and don't actually understand anything. You just think you have found the truth and your perception has given you the knowledge of how things work and what is this place you live in.
Ta-da!!! You've been misled! You are deeply mistaken and don't really understand anything. You are just a cog in a totally senseless accident. There are no reasons. There is no sense. Everything is senseless. Learn to live with this truth and you'll find it much more delightful and pleasant to carry on your miserable existance...
But from another point, better not. Your petty small world might not endure the truth. It miht just burst. Better continue believing you are important, significant and unique. Keep to your ridiculous concepts. Live on your miserable lives. Soon you'll forget what I've told you and go back to your rotine and will live happily ever after, till death do us part. And it surely will...
Current Mood: aggravated
Current Music: Massive Attack
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