Edgars ([info]apelsiins_) wrote on June 27th, 2012 at 11:52 pm
How do you find your passion?
How do you find your passion?

Pack a backpack and travel. The more you move, the more you move. You will blow your mind meeting the most weird and wonderful people in the most unbelievable situations. You'll meet people living lifestyles you never dreamed possible, based on totally alien values. Then you'll find your place.

Čalis vārdā Stephen Ridley. No ieguldījumu baņķiera, kurš strādāja pa 18-20h dienā un ienīda savu darbu un savu dzīvi, viņš pameta darbu un kļuva par mūziķi. Jasmīne viņu pazīst.

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