mans sviests
mans sviests

mans sviests - 22. Novembris 2010
22. Novembris 2010
- The American (2010)
- 22.11.10 10:06

"The movie is meant to be an existential statement: the assassin, whose acts aren’t given any political or social meaning, lives in an absurd universe in which people communicate in guttural fragments. All of this is a relief from the clangor of an American thriller, but our interest in the movie ebbs when Corbijn devotes many minutes to the fashioning of a perfect rifle. With Paolo Bonacelli as a priest who urges the assassin to take God into his heart, and the beautiful Violante Placido as a prostitute who falls in love with the assassin after he performs an act of sexual gallantry that no man experienced with prostitutes would likely perform."
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- 22.11.10 18:30
- Esmu saslēdzis visus ārējos cietos diskus pie šitā un izmēģinu, kā ir. Pašlaik dators tver vienā diskā noglabātus mūzikas failus, atskaņo un strīmo uz iPort Express pieslēgtu pastiprinātāju. Pagaidām viss darbojas. Esmu pārsteigts.

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- 22.11.10 21:07
- Jāņa Zālīša grāmatas "Mīlestības vārdā" varonis Eliss Kūpers gremdējas atmiņās par "incidentu ar vistu" (pieminēts arī attiecīgajā grāmatā). Ieinteresēti klausītāji uzmanīgi seko mākslinieka stāstījumam:
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