mans sviests
mans sviests

mans sviests - 18. Marts 2008
18. Marts 2008
- 18.3.08 12:47
- "Beer drinkers have bellies, while wine, port, and brandy drinkers display a labyrinth of tiny red blood vessels around the nose. Kingsley Amis drank it all"
"Young Amis discovered for himself that for twenty-five old pennies he could get himself plastered on three barley wines, a pint of rough cider, and a small whisky. As his means improved, he moved on to beer as his daily tipple and from beer advanced to Scotch whisky, of which he drank so much that by the late ’70s, his monthly bill for the stuff was one thousand pounds."
"Offered the choice of red or white wine at a stand-up party the other day, I explained that my stomach objected to the acid produced by wine without food, whereas spirits were all right. “Sorry to hear that,” said the host. “I’m afraid there’s nothing else in the house.” My stomach took five minutes to change its mind."
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- 18.3.08 14:19
- Reizēm ne vien nespēju saburtot pats savu rokrakstu, bet nesaprotu, ko un kāpēc esmu gribējis ar pierakstīto sev atgādināt. Jau labu brīdi blenžu uz vārdiem "Lotmans-cieņa" un nespēju tikt gudrs.
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