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LOL , draudziņi!

28th September, 2005. 8:07 pm.


George W. Bush is surprised to find out that people think him to be rather stupid.
"Damn!" he concludes. "I gues I should go and check my brain."
He has his doctor make all the examinations of his brain and then asks: "Well, what's the matter with my head?"
The doctor answers: "Actually there is nothing wrong with your head. It's just like all other poeple's head. There is just one problem -

there is nothing right in your left brain and
there is nothing left in your right brain.

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28th September, 2005. 9:26 pm.

Man ļoti patīk atdarināt mazu sunīti.
Vuff. Vuff.

Gribat iemācīšu jums to arī?

Vajag salikt rokas muļķīgo ķepiņu pozā, piešķiebt galviņu un žēli skatīties.
Lūk, šādi:
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