Pirmais vagons Biedri pasažieri atiešanas laiki Tehniskais personāls iepriekšējais vagons iepriekšējais vagons nākamais vagons nākamais vagons
elpas vilciena attālumā... - Komentāri
Esmu laikam... mjaa.. "vispār labi ka sēdēju!!! Tas bija seksīgākais, ko jebkad biju dzirdējis, pie tam tā stabili!!!" yeah babe yeah... " :) juutos manaami pacilaata.. jaagaida kino vakars.. ja tas nenokasartos radushos situaaciju,tad kas nokaartos? fight fight fight!!!

Laura man pielipinaaja erotisko songu no "Gone in 60 sec...." painted on my heart... lipeliigi
I thought you'd be out of my mind
And I'd finally found a way to learn to live without you
I thought it was just a matter of time
Till I had a hundred reasons not to think about you

But it's just not so
And after all this time, I still can't let go

I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Drawn upon my soul
Etched upon my memory, baby

And I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of your fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby

I've tried everything that I can
To get my heart to forget you
But it just can't seem to

I guess it's just no use
In every part of me
Is still a part of you

And I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Drawn upon my soul
Etched upon my memory, baby

And I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of your fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby

I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart, oh yeah yeah

Something in your eyes keeps haunting me
I'm trying to escape you
And I know there ain't no way to
To chase you from my mind

I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Drawn upon my soul
Etched upon my memory, baby

And I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of your fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby

I've still got your face
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart

C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon Baby
C'mon C'mon Baby
C'mon C'mon Baby

I've still got your face
Painted on my heart


( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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Skrande Kivkucāne
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Name: Skrande Kivkucāne
Back Marts 2012