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[27 Oct 2011|11:00pm]
Someone dying?
Scan, doctor, lying?
Living on borrowed Time?
Genetic – Devine
This has to stop
And, it must stop now
A golden shower
For that sacred cow

It’s The Ides Of March to ignore
I’m Possessed
Nine Tenths of The Law
I’ll never repeat
How others may prey
I’ll direct the Night
And, We’ll Rule The day

The Rule Of Thirds Dictates My Life
Something, Suffers Somewhere.
Someone dying?
Scan, doctor, lying?
Living on borrowed Time
Destiny – Devine

It’s The Ides Of March to ignore
Live, Love, Die; The Law?
This has to stop!
And, it must stop now!
A golden shower
For that sacred cow,....

It’s The Ides Of March to ignore
I’m Possessed
Nine Tenths of The Law
I’ll never repeat
How others may prey
I’ll direct the Light
And, We’ll Rule The day

The Rule Of Thirds Dictates My Life
Something, Suffers Somewhere.
Someone dying?
Scan, doctor, lying?
Living on borrowed Time
Genetic – Devine

It has to stop
And, it must stop now
A golden shower
For that sacred cow
I’ll never repeat
How others may prey
I’ll direct the Light
And, We’ll Rule The day

It’s The Ides Of March to ignore
Live, Love, Die; The Law?
It has to stop!
And, it must stop now!
A golden shower
For that sacred cow,
A golden shower
For that sacred cow,
A golden shower
For that sacred cow
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[10 Oct 2011|08:45pm]
Crawling in the hole
The grass is greener
Over here
You're the fog that
Keeps it clear
What we knew
Taken time is
All but true
You're the reason
I feel pain
Feels so good to
Feel again
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[30 Sep 2011|12:43am]
My eyes are arid and cold on a portrait's insides.
I am time-hardened wax and I can see wide!
Fungus and frost have fondled my frontside and I
- Did he wonder and wander in small ages?
Did he forget that I died?
He's older and ugly and a beautiful baby, he's retinal mist.
Far away, far away, leaning and twisting, I moan and I list!

Didn't he wonder?
I shall surprise him!
Did he forget?
I shall remind him!
Please hold my hand, beautiful, ugly man!
I've come untangled, but we shall find frost again!
Dizzy and turning, you never need walk!
I shall carry you, hold you, early and blinded!
My son is no burden, I'm ancient with sorrow strength!
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[26 Sep 2011|10:42pm]
Please keep them away
Don't let them touch me
Please don't let them lie
Don't let them see me
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[09 Jul 2011|11:35pm]
On my own
Hour after hour
Sipping cocktails
And reading Schopenhauer

Living in a world
Without imagination
I see that hope
Is a lack of information

I turn my back
I shut the door
I lock the key

A prisoner in my home
But it's lovely to be free
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[09 Jun 2011|06:46pm]
Should I talk the way you want me to talk
Say the things the way you want to hear them
I know a lot of people like that
They talk in words but what do they mean
[They think in words and words alone]
When heart becomes a chain, painted like a whore
[And sometimes, sometimes, words they betray me]

[She says to me with her questionnaire
“Answer this
Take this one”
I say one thing
I say
I say, I say…
One thing]

And I see her, see whore
They cannot see what they don’t have so deny that time
But there’s one thing, one thing I have, one thing I see

Why should I be like you?
Nothing is ever the way you say it is
Nothing is ever the way you want it
So don’t talk to me
Don’t look at me
But please stay with me

“He didn’t wear his scarlet robe, for blood and wine are red
And blood and wine were on his hands, when they found him with the dead
The poor dead woman, whom he loved and murdered in her bed
He walked amongst the trial men in a suit of shabby grey
A cricket cap stood on his head and his step seemed light and gay
Though I never saw a man look so wistfully at the day”

I see your heaven, you see my hell
Come see my heaven and I’ll show you, show you hell…

[Life is a cabaret, come to the cabaret
You are all invited, everone of you
You can see how you can be
You can talk
You can sing
While we pray
While we, while we…]
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[07 Jun 2011|03:01pm]
Would you not take this upon yourself?
Would you not take this upon yourself?
Let’s all fall in love
Because love is like a flower
Because love is like they sing in songs
La la la love
With lips to kiss
Pretending we’re fire we could keep warm
With hearts held between our legs
Love is right and never wrong
It’s like they sing in songs
They sing la la la love
I’ve broken all of my promises
I’ve broken all of my promises
But I’ll love you till the day I die
I’ll love ya
La la love you
I’ll love you till the day I die…
I’ve broken all of my promises
I could have been so good for you
I could have danced all night
With your eyes the size of an ocean
Gimme love! Gimme love!
Let me fuck you
I’ll love you till the day I die…
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[01 Jun 2011|08:16am]
I did all that I should, well all that I could
but will I be clean
I did all that I should, well all that I could
but it isn't me

all my strength is dead and gone

slept as long I could, as long as I should
to find comfort here
slept as long I could, as long as I should
but I still have fear

all my strength is dead and gone...

black letter day
all the fun / joy / strength
...has gone away
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[10 May 2011|10:30pm]
Done with the dark boys, through with the dark boys
Done with the black cotton mafia
Done with the dark boys, I swear you'll be the last one
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Jauna, arī neveselīga attieksme [08 May 2011|11:27pm]
I never fall apart
Because I never fall together
Light a candle and
Say a prayer
For a euroslut
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[07 May 2011|02:57pm]
I'm falling, catch me if you can
Touching undirected bullets in somebody else's wars
But I don't know what for
I don't know what for.

I'm falling, stepping out of life.
Blending notes to suit rhythms,
Breaking rules to suit myself,but never losing time,
Never losing time
As I go down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down
I rise up!

I'm empty, fill me if you can
You can fill a woman full of child,
Plant a forest full with trees,
But how do you fill a man?
How do you fill a man?

I'm wounded heal me if you please;
We bleed inside each others wounds
straight from the cradle to the tomb
I'm down on bended knees
Down on bended knees
I go down, down,
I rise up
I, I, rise up

I'm falling watch out down below
I am soaring through the air --- It's a very abstract feeling
I don't know where I land, I don't know
As I go down down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down
Catch me if you can...
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[01 May 2011|01:04am]
I walked out into the pale withered fields
And I thought I don't give that much of a damn just
how she feels
Then once more in my head I heard her say
I'm feeling high now
So I looked up to the cold blue sky and shut her out
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[05 Apr 2011|11:55pm]
Daddy said that I'm a good boy
Cause I always did his will
But I can't remember, was it me - how did I feel
I call'em family, but in the heart of hearts I know
There's something wrong with me, what can I do?
Mother said that I'm a good girl
I was always dressed to kill
But I can't remember, was it me - how did I feel
Now this is long ago
But Today I'm really sure
I don't wanna crawl no more
No I don't want to
I want to be all alone
(to be all alone)
(leave me all alone)
(I'm so lonely)
Sometimes I don't know what I prefer to be
That's all that I can see
So I burnt down the house of hate
The key to close the door
What a nice September
I found out it's not too late
It happened yesterday
But today I'm really sure
I don't wanna crawl no more
No I don't want to
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Death in June- Fall Apart [14 Jan 2011|04:03pm]
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall I fall in Pastures
Will I Wake the Darkness
Shall we Torch the Earth?
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall we find the Emptiness
And break the Silence
That will stop our Hearts?
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall we cry Together
For their Howling echoes
And restart the Night?

And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?
And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?

And shall I wake from Dreams
For the Glory of Nothing
For the cracking of the Sun
For the crawling down of Lies?
And if We fall from Dreams
Shall we push them into Darkness
And stare into the Howling
And clamber into Night?

And if I fall from Dreams
All my Prayers are Silenced
To Love is to lose
And to lose is to Die...

And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?
And why did you say
That we shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?
And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?
And why did you say
That we shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?
And why did you say
That things shall fall?
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[24 Dec 2010|12:28am]
I wait here by the coast, in the company of ghosts
I sit and watch the world go by, sometimes I just sit and cry

Just another English murder, a poster on the station wall
Just another English murder, Britannia gone rotten to the core

I carry my guilt like a watch, but one that just won't stop
Doomed by the hands of God, whose giggling won't stop

Just another English murder, a poster on the station wall
Just another English murder, Britannia gone rotten to the core

By the line she lies dead, beneath a mattress, her deathbed
In England - this septic isle; in England—Maxwell smiles

Just another English murder, a poster on the station wall
Just another English murder, Britannia gone rotten to the core

Just another English murder, your photo on my wall
Just another English murder, it doesn't look like you at all in the dark
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Un man pohuj. [28 Nov 2010|02:01am]
Здравствуй, ещё раз здравствуй
Привет, красавцы, здравствуй
Забрызгали всё красной лаской
Давлю воспоминания пастой
Боли ужасной помочь не сможет гель даже фастум

Щас классно, не как тогда, всё неопасно
Вот только как-то мимо кассы
И я и ты, совсем другие очень касты
Ни тебе здравствуй, ни до свидания
Только заплаты на шрамопоминания
Ни тебе здравствуй и ни до свидания
Только заплаты на шрамопоминания

До свидания, теперь уж точно до свидания
Драгоценное моё создание, до свидания
Эти шрамы наши как напоминания
О рискованных свиданиях, леской горло перетягиваний

Ни тебе здравствуй и ни до свидания
Только заплаты на шрамопоминания
Ни тебе здравствуй и ни до свидания
Только заплаты на шрамопоминания
Ни тебе здравствуй и ни до свидания
Только заплаты на шрамопоминания
Ни тебе здравствуй и ни до свидания
Только заплаты на шрамопоминания
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[16 Oct 2010|10:38pm]
Watching you
My life begins
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[03 Oct 2010|03:21pm]
Es laikam zināšu, ka esmu atradusi savu precējamo vīrieti tad, kad varēšu par viņu būt tikpat lielā sajūsmā un tikpat ilgi kā par savu kaķi.(Jau 8.gadu)
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[21 Sep 2010|02:00am]
Wayward we know the wanderer's journey
The single willed life earns its own exile
When gladness has gone
Gathering sorrow
When sadness has gone
Gathering strength
We bind the dark mood fast in our vigil state
No earthly glory but a cold heart's hermit cave
No wisdom without our cruel share of winters
No victory without our blood sea of rage
Like scavengers we feast
Where wolf wind hangman swings
Into reeling life we forge
Into holiness we burn
Casting astray immemorial silence
The wavering will chases blood-given gain
We found our fate in embers of vision
We find our faith in ashes of truth
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First you take a heart, then you tear it apart [20 Sep 2010|08:20pm]
Solitude is not given
It is Earned
In this Conspiracy
Of Destiny

Empty Vessels
Of Spermless Love

Made of Mud and Mist
I was Possessed

We Develop, We Delight, We Define and We Decay
From within
A sacred Power
Acting upon my Shame

In Pursuit of the Impossible Nothingness
I found myself
In Sacrilege
Shall we die a Master-Slave
For this Dog Day Age?

Develop and Delight and Decay
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