Depresants - October 16th, 2015
October 16th, 2015
- 10/16/15 09:34 am
Skolas apgalvo, ka bērni paši jautājuši ko var palīdzēt un tādēļ šis "projekts"veidots. BET bērnus laist pie šiem migrantiem ir ĻOTI bīstami, šie migranti iespējams slimo ar sifilisu, HIV, AIDS, Ebola, Tuberkulozi un vēl daudzām, mūsu ārstiem nezināmām tropiskajām slimībām - lūdzu Latvieši, nekādā gadījumā neiesaistieties ar migrantiem, nekādā gadījumā nelaidiet bērnus pie viņiem! Bērni uzkopjot var saskarties ar fēcēm, mukusu, urīnu utt! Vācijas skolām ir ar likumu aizliegts izteikties, Vācijas mediķiem ir aizliegts izteikties, bet visas šīs slimības, ko minēju, ieskaitot nezināmas tropiskas saslimšanas, ir reģistrētas un dažas - HIV, Sifiliss, piemēram, ir epidēmiskas! Lūdzu sargiet sevi, un, lai iegūtu papildus informāciju, sekojiet līdz ne tikai Latvijas medijiem, bet arī valstu, kuras migrantu dēļ ir krīzes stāvoklī - Somija, Norvēģija, Francija, Vācija. Lūdzu protestējiet un PIEPRASIET lai Latvija sargā mūsu nacionalitāti un neuzņem migrantus. Sargiet sevi un bruņojieties - drošs paliek nedrošs!
Daži mani informācijas resursi: Vācija - skolas tagad. Muslimu skolās UK, bērniem māca mūs ienīst. Šis video ir 30 minūtes garš un ir ļoti svarīgi zināt, ar ko patiesībā saskaras skolas, kurās mācās Musulmaņu bērni, kas atsakās pieņemt konstitūciju, jo tas ir "cilvēka veidots likums". Bērni, tāpat kā pieaugušie Muhammeda sekotāji uzskata, ka SHARI'AH Law ir vienīgais likums pēc kā viņiem jāvadās. UK skolās notiek precendenti ar pat 10 gadus veciem Musulmaņu bērniem, kuri PIEPARASA meitenēm vilkt galvassegu un pieprasa lūgšanu telpu skolā. Gērts Wilders - īsfilma par Islamu.
Mīļie Latvieši - ir laiks sekot SLOVĀKU, ANGOLAS, UNGĀRIJAS, POLIJAS piemēram un aktīvi cīnīties PRET piespiedu islamizāciju! Migranti ik dienu ienāk Eiropā un šobrīd ne tikai solītie 1000, bet jau vairāk par 3000, dažās vastīs nedēļas nogalē reģistrē pat 6000! Nedomājiet, ka Merkele, Junkers un Sorosa miljardieri liksies mierā, neguliet uz mazas uzvaras lauriem - cīņa NAV galā, ik reizi, kad MERKELE noklust - pēc dienas, divām, kas sasodīti slikts (pret mums vērsts) tiek paziņots! Mācieties šaut, pērciet ieročus un iepērciet pārtiku! Militārie konflikti starp UK, Ķīnu, US, Saudi Arābiju, Turciju, Sīrijas Assad režīmu, ISIS notiek ik dienu! Nepieļaujiet, ka esiet nejauši pārsteigti ar to, kas notiek.
Lai Dieviņš mūs sargā!
IekantējaPiesit kanti
- 10/16/15 05:47 pm
- Muslims promise to take over Latvia
Within 50 years, Latvia will become a Muslim country, the Islamic Cultural Centre in Latvia promises, reports the Baltic web portal Delfi.
According to the Islamic Cultural Centre's spokesperson, Ahmed Roberts Klimovičs, the majority of children in Latvia will be born into Muslim families in the middle of this century. He said he has three children and that "we are working to make more".
Klimovičs and the culture center's director, Jānis Lūciņš, said that Islam is the best way to "conquer the world in a peaceful way".
Previously, Klimovičs criticized Riga Mayor Nils Ušakovs, for his proposal to allow the immigrants to perform simple work, in example cemeteries. According to Klimovičs, it is the duty of Muslims to "tear down the cross, but such work would cherish the cemeteries and show respect". Therefore, according Klimovičs, it is not possible for Muslim immigrants to participate in Ušakovs proposed job program. In general, to Muslims, a cemetery is "a place of punishment," said the representative of Latvia's Muslims.
In September, the European Commission decided to force Latvia to receive 737 immigrants. Most politicians in the Parliament opposed the decision, to no avail.
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- Muslims will replace them! Tas par mums - latviešiem!
- 10/16/15 10:13 pm
- This Muslim leader just comes out and says that Europe will be conquered by the Muslims and that Christianity will be defeated…he hopes. This is Latvia and Europe but Americans need to take notes on this and understand that the Muslims do not want to assimilate. Entire communities will be forever changed just like in Minnesota where the “fundamental transformation” has happened.
Islam will replace Christianity in Europe just as Christianity replaced Paganism centuries ago, and it will conquer by womb rather than the sword to make Latvia an Islamic State, claim Muslim community leaders in the Baltic country.
Speaking in an interview with Latvia’s Morning Independent newspaper, the chairman and head spokesman of the Islamic Cultural Centre, better known as Riga Mosque, said while they both had three children with their wives each “we are working to have more” in an effort to colonise the country faster.
Asked “what are the chances that Latvia will become part of the Caliphate?” white convert and centre spokesman Ahmed Robert Klimovičs said he hoped it would. On the future of the predominantly Christian nation of just two million people – less than the population of Britain’s second city – Mr. Klimovičs said: “Latvians understand that in 50 years this will be an Islamic State. This is because Islamic children will be in the majority”.
“Islam is the best way to conquer the world in the form of peace”, he said.
Centre chairman Abu Hamza Umar John Lucino mocked Latvians who objected to the seemingly unstoppable tide of demographics threatening to sweep the traditions of the country away on the basis of Latvia being predominantly a Christian nation.
He asked: “We often hear this is a Christian country. Although if we look at history, what do you take as your starting point? Which year? Which century? 800 years ago, Christianity was the one moving in here, it was not the religion of the local people.
“Now Islam is entering. Except unlike Christianity, Islam is not spreading with violence”.
Latvia was one of the last places in Europe which became Christianised, not falling under the influence of Rome until the 13th century. Despite it’s comparatively recent move from Baltic paganism, Latvia remains one of the more Christian countries in Europe with nearly 80 per cent of Latvians professing either Lutheranism, Catholicism, or Orthodoxy.
The major challenge for Latvia, which gives credence to the claim that what is now a comparatively small group of Muslims will replace them in as little as two generations is the nation’s own demographic time bomb.
The fertility rate of Latvians today is just 1.4 children per couple, a figure that would be lower for native couples should faster-reproducing migrants be excluded from the calculation, and already far below the 2.1 children needed to prevent population collapse.
The interview also dashed any hope that the new arrivals, both in terms of children delivered to Muslim parents or refugees and migrants forced on the country against its will by the European Union will integrate and eventually fit in. When asked whether the remarks of government ministers, who emphasised the importance of integration of incoming communities were well founded, Mr. Klimovičs replied:
“It is absolutely clear that this merger will not take place. Our cultures are completely different.
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