Uģis' LiveJournal
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Šeit ir 20 jaunākie dienasgrāmatas ieraksti ieraksti Uģis dienasgrāmatā:

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    Monday, April 4th, 2005
    so long
    it was so long ago - but still i got blues for you.....
    Sunday, October 5th, 2003
    i feel good?
    Everything’s so blurry
    and everyone's so fake
    everybody’s empty
    and everything is so messed up
    preoccupied without you
    I cannot live at all
    my whole world surrounds you
    I stumble and I crawl
    & you could be my someone
    you can be my scene
    you know that I’ll protect you
    from all of the obscene
    I wonder what your doing
    imagine where you are
    there's oceans in between us
    but that’s not very far

    can you take it all away
    can you take it all away
    well you shoved it in my face
    this pain you gave to me
    can you take it all away
    can you take it all away
    well you shoved it in my face
    this pain you gave to me

    everyone is changing
    there’s no one left that’s real
    make up your own ending
    and let me know just how you feel
    cause I am lost without you
    I cannot live at all
    my whole world surrounds you
    I stumble then I crawl
    you could be my someone
    you can be my scene
    you know that I will save you
    from all of the unclean
    I wonder what your doing
    I wonder where you are
    there’s oceans in between us
    but that’s not very far

    Can you take it all away
    Can you take it all away
    well you shoved it in my face
    the pain you gave to me

    Nobody told me what you thought
    nobody told me what to say
    everyone showed you where to turn
    showed you when to run away
    nobody showed you where to hide
    nobody told you what to say
    everyone showed you where to turn
    showed you when to run away

    Can you take it all away
    can you take it all away
    can you take away the pain
    the pain you gave to me
    this pain you gave to me
    Wednesday, September 3rd, 2003
    atkal nonāku konfliktā ar sevi(drīzāk jau ar to, kādu cilvēki grib mani redzēt)- pārāk ilgi uzturoties "ne savā" sabiedrībā sāk šķobīties manas trīs pamatvērtības (nu tās par attiecībām, alu un rokenrolu...)...kaut kas nav tā kā tam vajag būt, bet labi-tā tas ir visu laiku...bet ko darīt tad ja labākais draugs pēkšņi apprecās????

    longing for the schoolyard . reaching for the scenes . reminded by the songs that will never disappear . random like the infants . outdated like the old . lying there in aimlessness listening to the cure . doing some rehearsal . exercising in the cold . lowering the standarts . for the six-string never rolled . whistling at the girls . and saving for the fuel . making plans and knock knock knock on wood . play some rock . play some rock . please don´t stop . coming home coming home . sentenced by our faults . we were to make in time . pleasently aware . of our solitude in mind . saved me from the boredom . of what we disavowed . encouraged by the sound . that was the sweetest one of all . admiring your senses . infected by your tongue . defenceless I believed . that we´d face anything to come . you innocently told me . you´d catch me when I fall . and solemnly we´d knock knock knock on wood . play some rock . play some rock . please don´t stop . coming home coming home . I´m not the only one ...

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: liquido - play some rock
    Thursday, August 28th, 2003
    "...visstulbākie sapņi ir tie, kuri piepildās..."
    Pie šādas atziņas esmu nācis 2003.g. 6.martā 18:32 (Tagad atradu to uzskricelētu uz kādas lapiņas)un nesaprotu kāpēc tā? Iespējams esmu ticis pāri tam visam bardakam, kas ar mani notika taču jūtu atkal neesmu tas, kam man vajadzētu būt.

    Tuvojas tas brīdis ātri
    Kuram datums ir jau saukts
    Gads un vēl daža dienas
    Būt ar tevi mums ir ļauts

    Katru dienu tu pieļauj kļūdas
    Jo kur tad tādas domas tev rodas
    Lai tava sirdsapziņa mocās
    Ja nevari tu labot tās

    Un ja gadīsies kāds
    Kurš teiks ka dzīvot rīt tev nebūs lemts
    Tev atbildēt tam nav to vērts
    Jo viņš nav tas kurš dzīvot tev lems

    Dodies projām – nebaidies
    Dodies tālāk – apskaties
    Vai esi tur kur atrodies
    Vai esi tāds kāds izlikies
    Wednesday, May 21st, 2003
    kas notiek?
    Starp visiem bardakiem, fabrikām, brainstormiem un akordiem, notīm un nesaprastām lirikām, kaudzēm grāmatu, ievu smaržām, pavasari un zāles zaļumu, debess zilumu, baltām bērzu mizām un saulrietiem pie ūdens, n-tām negulētām naktīm, es sāku just, ka kaut kas notiek ne TĀ. Citi to skiadro -
    * par maz/daudz esi iedzēris?
    * esi iemīlējies?
    * esi kļuvis iedomīgs?
    * tu paliec traks?...
    anyway es jūtu, ka kaut kā neparasti labi sāk iet. MAN SĀK VEIKTIES. Un n-to reizi es nonāku pie pretrunīga secinājuma - iespējams, ka Šefs (Chef) tomēr ir! Bet varbūt vienkārši tas viss ir manu pūliņu nopelens, varbūt es to esmu pelnījis... kas to lai zin? maybe...
    Tieši tāpēc man paliek bail ,kas būs tālāk...cik ilgi tā veiksies, kas būs pēc tam,... jautājumu tik daudz -atbildes nevienas...
    iespējams, ka tā ir jānotiek...
    Tuesday, May 6th, 2003
    Sentimentālu atmiņu brīdis...

    Tā gribas atgriezties tajā vasaras naktī...
    Lucida Calligraphy - You tend towards the arts.
    You tend to stand out in a crowd and have your
    own style. Be careful not to be too aloof,

    Thursday, May 1st, 2003
    We're looking for you!!!
    Palīgā, rock grupa steidzami meklē soloģitāristu, lai piedalītos starptautiskā mūzikas festivālā Lietuvā 27. maijā. Ja kādu tas interesē, vai zinat kādu interesentu lūdzu dodiet ziņu fullhouse@inbox.lv vai 6305833 (Uģis). Informācija par grupu un mp3 - http://www.fullhouse.yo.lv
    Sunday, April 27th, 2003
    Latvijas hokeja izlase šodien pasaules čempionātā augstākajā divīzijā C grupas spēlē piedzīvoja sagrāvi, ar rezultātu 1:6 (1:2, 0:1, 0:3) zaudējot Kanādas valstsvienībai. Ļoti neveiksmīgu spēli šodien aizvadīja Latvijas izlases vārtsargs Artūrs Irbe, kurš pēc kanādiešu hokejistu metieniem kapitulēja sešas reizes.
    - kāds tur vēl fakin secinājums???
    Friday, April 4th, 2003
    your body is the wondrland
    esmu palicis pavisam slinks...
    journal'ā pavisam reti kaut ko ierakstu...
    arī fonogrammas spēlēšanai pats netaisu, bet velku no internetā....
    interesanti, kas būs tālāk...
    - Laikam pavasaris?!
    Saturday, March 29th, 2003
    Visu nedēļu nogulēju gultā. Slims. Ar nežēlīgu temperatūru un vēl šo to. Jocīgi, bet nedēļas vidū man pietrūka journal'a. Gribējās redzēt, ko mani mīļie raksta, pašam kaut ko uzrakstīt. Nu ļoti jau gribējās.
    - Laikam atkarība.
    Saturday, March 22nd, 2003
    you will say that you always mine - i reach you online
    esmu online
    Friday, March 21st, 2003
    they kill Keny....Bastards!
    Tiesnesis jautā notiesātajam:
    - Kāpēc jūs sasitāt šampanieša pudeli pret garāmgājēja galvu?
    - Uz laimi!
    Wednesday, March 19th, 2003
    drīz jāiet gulēt
    Tava smarža...
    Tā reibina
    Reibst galva, domas... jūtas...
    Nekam nav nozīmes

    Nekam nav nozīmes…
    Pat tam…
    under the moonlight
    Mēness un zvaigznes...
    atspulgs ūdenī...
    Vējš tik ass, tas neļauj aizmigt...
    Tikai domas par tevi liek man aizvērt acis..
    aizvērt acis...
    Cik pulsktens? - es jautāju...
    ...vai nav vienalga... kāds tumsā atbildēja..
    I know she said it's alright
    But you can make it up next time
    I know she knows it's not right
    There ain't no use in lying
    Maybe she thinks I know something
    Maybe maybe she thinks its fine
    Maybe she knows something I don't
    I'm so, I'm so tired, I'm so tired of trying

    It seems to me that maybe
    It pretty much always means no
    So don't tell me you might just let it go
    And often times we're lazy
    It seems to stand in my way
    Cause no one no not no one
    Likes to be let down

    I know she loves the sunrise
    No longer sees it with her sleeping eyes
    And I know that when she said she's gonna try
    Well it might not work because of other ties and
    I know she usually has some other ties
    And I wouldn't want to break 'em, nah, I wouldn't want to break 'em
    Maybe she'll help me to untie this but
    Until then well, I'm gonna have to lie too

    It seems to me that maybe
    It pretty much always means no
    So don't tell me you might just let it go
    And often times we're lazy
    It seems to stand in my way
    Cause no one no not no one
    Likes to be let down
    It seems to me that maybe
    It pretty much always means no
    So don't tell me you might just let it go

    The harder that you try baby, the further you'll fall
    Even with all the money in the whole wide world
    Please please please don't pass me
    Please please please don't pass me
    Please please please don't pass me by

    Everything you know about me now baby you gonna have to change
    You gonna have to call it by a brand new name
    Please please please don't drag me
    Please please please don't drag me
    Please please please don't drag me down

    Just like a tree down by the water baby I shall not move
    Even after all the silly things you do
    Please please please don't drag me
    Please please please don't drag me
    Please please please don't drag me down
    I know - she said, it's allright...
    Tuesday, March 18th, 2003
    Absolūts DURDOM'S
    Sunday, March 16th, 2003
    Labrīt! #vvz
    Labrī dāmas un kungi...
    Es mēģināsu iemigt...lai no rīta atkal pamostos ar pilnu galvu savigām idejām kā padatrīt savu skaisto dzīvi vēl skaistāku...
    Man atļauts gulēt vēl vismaz 3 stundas
    "Dzīve ir skaista, skaista tā ir ...dzīvosmim to kopā!"
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