hold me and controle me - 6. Augusts 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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6. Augusts 2004

[6. Aug 2004|10:44]
ai vana bī jōr supemōdel..
Link5 jaunumi|kaut kas jauns?

[6. Aug 2004|19:21]
[Garastāvoklis: |calm]
[Mūzika |wissskasss]

Slikta meitene!!!kursh eed saldeejumu peec 6?
Link3 jaunumi|kaut kas jauns?

[6. Aug 2004|20:22]
GARAGE GURL - Flirt inna Skirt!
A GARAGE-GURL. Youre into loud music, hot guys and
wild fashions. Youre most at ease when you've
got all your mates around you and you like to
party. Boys are a game and youre always on the
ball because you make sure you're always number

Your virtues: Confidence, fun nature,

Your flaws: Loudness, jealous tendency, need for

You almost certainly wouldn't like this game,
because it's not your thing:


What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Linkkaut kas jauns?

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