Augusts 28., 2005
 | 19:11 - Aizvadiito meenesi raksturojoshas 4 dziesmas hronologjiskaa seciibaa . 1. Prata Vetra - Viss ir tieši tā kā tu vēlies . Tu esi vienīgā, kas manu interesi neslāpē un karstās vasarās kā auksta kokakola veldzē. Papa, papa, papa, papa, papa, papa. Jā, tu veldzē. ( Papa, papa ) Papa, papa, papa, papa. Var izklausīties mazliet jocīgi vai nepatiesi, bet skrienot, skrienot un skrienot tu visu tāpat nesasniegsi. Uz pasaules ir pieci miljardi tādu kā es, bet es esmu viens. Jā, jā, atzīstu, egoists, mīļā, bet vai tad, vai tad tāds nav ikviens? Papa, papa, papa, papa, papa, papa. Vai tad tāds nav ikviens? ( Papa, papa ) Papa, papa, papa, papa. Papa, papa, papa, papa, papa, papa. Vai tad tāds nav ikviens? ( Papa, papa, papa, papa, papa, papa ) Kas bijis, tas bijis, es esmu atvērts, kad gribi, tad nāc, kad gribi, ej prom. Nav ne vārtu, ne vārdu, jo viss ir tieši tā, kā Tu vēlies. Viss ir tieši tā, kā Tu vēlies.(Viss ir tieši tā, kā Tu vēlies.) Viss ir tieši tā, kā Tu vēlies. Viss ir tieši tā, kā Tu vēlies.(Viss ir tieši tā, kā Tu vēlies.) Viss ir tieši tā, kā Tu vēlies. .
2. Soulfly - Back to The Primitive . Um dois tre is quatro . Back to the primitive Fuck all your politics We got our life to live The way we want to be . Back to the primitive Fuck all your politics Who feels it knows it Bob marley And God will guide me . Back to the primitive Fuck all your bullshit We’re back to set it free Confronting the negative . Back to the primitive Fuck all you wannabes You don’t mean shit to me Let it bleed . Tribal Primitive Primitive Primitive Primitive . Back to the primitive Fuck all your politics We got our life to live The way we want to be . Back to the primitive Fuck all your politics How it used to be Check your reality . Back to the primitive Fuck all your politics Fuck all you wannabes Aaaaaarggghhh . Back to the primitive Fuck all your politics Forever we will be What we want to be . Primitivo . 3. Nikola Sarcevic - Lovetrap . i know you met someone last night see it in your eyes you said "we only talked, allright?" now that's a big lie . and i know it's all over now i guess we lost our love somehow the moment you left through that door i know you'll never come back here no more . you came and took your things today gave me your ring back i never thought it'd end this way fell in your lovetrap . and i know it's all over now i guess we lost our love somehow the moment you left through that door i know you'll never come back here no more . you said you're never coming back home you got me choking now that's a typical syndrome when a heart gets broken broken, oh yeah . and i know it's all over now i guess we lost our love somehow the moment you left through that door i know you'll never come back here no more . it's all over now we lost our love somehow you left through that door you'll never come back here no more . 4. The Academy Is - The Phrase That Pays . My eyes can't believe what they have seen. In the corner of your room you've stockpiled millions of my memories. Oh Doctor, Doctor, I must have gotten this sick somehow. I'm going to ask you a series of questions, And I want them answered on the spot, right now. Is it serious? I'm afraid it is. Am I gonna die? Well son, death is gonna catch up to all one day, But yours is coming quicker than ours, than ours. . Some things I may have taken for granted again and again, well here's what was said then . Hold your head high heavy heart. So take a chance and make it big, Cause it's the last you'll ever get. If we don't take it, when will we make it? I make plans to break plans, And I've been planning something big, planning something big, planning. . I've never tried to make the best of my time, When I thought that I had plenty of it. Is this serious? I don't know what to think. Is it all a lie? Well one thing is for sure I'm taken back to the glory days When we were kids without a brash or bitter thing to say. . Now my life is one big make it, or break it. . Hold your head high heavy heart Save your strength for the morning after. So take a chance and make it big, Cause it's the last you'll ever get. If we don't take it, when will we make it? I make plans to break plans, And I've been planning something big, planning something big So take a chance and make it big, Cause it's the last you'll ever get. If we don't take it, when will we make it? I make plans to break plans, And I've been planning something big, planning something big, planning. [x2] . Garastāvoklis:: as bed as can be... Mūzika: shiis 4 dziesmas