Janvāris 24., 2006

08:25 - [info]pitchforks!!!
No laukiem laikam esi atgriezies
Elpu ievilcis, nedaudz atpūties
Tad nu dzejas rindas gaidu jaunas
Vēlos sasniegt tajās jaunas baudas :)
Mūzika: Liquido - Play some rock

(28 izteiksies Tu arī! | izteiksies?)

10:43 - plīz plīz dū not go! :) nereāli forša dziesma :)
Tell you man I’m stuck on this lovely girl
Of course to me u’know she mean all the world
But then she like another guy
I fall down dead she never see the tears I cry
Please please please do not go
How long can the days go on
When my love is so strong
And I know I cannot tell a lie
I wanna see him go bye
Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Now I wonder what she would say
If I told her that I felt this way
Y’know it might make her turn either way
So all I can do is patiently pray
Pray pray pray pray
Tell yuo man I’m stuck on this lovely girl
And y’know I could travel all over the whole world
Please please please do not go
You hurt me so
I got something to show you
Mūzika: Violent Femmes - Please Do Not Go


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ALvils - 24. Janvāris 2006

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