allaall's Journal
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Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

    Time Event
    HIATUS.sorry. but livejournal's become quite important in my life. so important, in fact, that I can't get away from it. and I'm not accomplishing anything anywhere. it's become a conflict point between my family and myself, and I don't even feel like I'm getting any lasting vindication by staying on here. hell, I don't update; I rarely evencomment, and I'm still not getting a damn thing done anywhere else. I come on here to de-stress and forget about the things I should be doing, and I can't leave. I've taken my grades and the things that used to be of value and dropped them off a cliff, and I'm coming up with both hands empty to show for it. it's miserable. so. until after chem exams, this is it. I don't even know if I can stay away that long. it's pathetic, how caught I am. I hate it.back! early because thegrammar manual is no moar. I really don't like staying up til 5 AM to finish projects, despite the indelible impact (are impacts indelible?) that grammar will undoubtedly have on my life. these are Years We Will Look Back On I have a paper to outline.

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