alice - 11. Decembris 2006

11. Dec 2006

00:57 - foneetikaa ....rrrr.... paliigaa

vai latvieshu valoda ir stress-timed vai syllable-timed. Anglu un vaacu valodas peec manaa rakstaa mineetaa esot stress-timed ... tad nu man buutu izdeviigi ka latvieshu buut syllable-timed, bet neesmu 100% drosha ....

(1 raksta | ir doma)

11:52 - personalized letter from Santa

es, kad maza biju domaaju, ka man vinjam jaaraksta, tagad Santa man saacis rakstiit ... man gan bail veert valjaa, ja nu tur rakstiits ka man shogad nekas netiks ...;(

(ir doma)

12:31 - really ?

so more about vowels .. in the word 'Jawa', for example, the first vowel sound is [a] for great many speakers, but the second vowel is never a repeat of the first one. To see this, try saying word 'Jawa' deliberately making the second vowel the same as the first - the result isn't like anyone's normal pronunciation of the word (Ashby, 2005 :10)

varbuut vajadzeetu izveeleeties mazak stiprus vaardus par 'anyone'?

(ir doma)

12:42 - writers block

man ir writers block un doma nekaadi netiek uz ekraana, bet tad atceros pagaajusho treshdienu kuraa dzirdeeju sho:

writing generates thinking (K.Hyland)

unnezinu kur mekleet aizbildinaajumu taalaak.

(ir doma)
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