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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Arts & Letters Daily's LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, January 4th, 2014
    2:00 am
    Evgeny Morozov

    How did a kid from Belarus become an Internet buzzkill? Evgeny Morozov likens his polemics to grenades. “In five years, I am returning in a tank”… more»

    2:00 am
    Emotion, Morality, Politics

    We are born social, wired to be tribal, prone to conflict with those who hold different values. Is a universal moral philosophy possible?… more»

    2:00 am
    Beware Roboticism

    Roboticism holds that computers are the measure of man. It is the opposite of humanism, says David Gelernter, and it’s a social disease… more»

    Friday, January 3rd, 2014
    2:00 am
    Hemingway’s Letters

    Hemingway, wary of distraction, focused on essentials: “fighting and eating and drinking and begging and stealing and living and dying”… more»

    2:00 am
    The Bizarre Battle Over the Remains of Richard III

    The discovery of Richard III beneath a parking lot in Leicester prompted not only a media frenzy but also a bizarre battle over the royal remains… more»

    2:00 am
    Inglorious Revolutions

    Revolution is often a messy, bloody, drawn-out affair. Indeed, exhaustion and disillusionment are what allow democracy to take root… more»

    Thursday, January 2nd, 2014
    3:00 am
    Proust, a funny genius

    A little Proust can be too much. “Nobody told me he was a mental defective,” said Evelyn Waugh, who was immune to Proustian humormore»

    3:00 am
    Daggers of Jorge Luis Borges

    Man of steel. As a young man, Jorge Luis Borges sought the company of knife fighters. He even carried his own blade, later inspiring some of his finest fiction… more»

    3:00 am
    Roth unbound

    Philip Roth met Primo Levi in 1986. Months later, Levi was dead. “It hit me like the assassinations of the 60s,” Roth says… more»

    Wednesday, January 1st, 2014
    3:00 am
    Artificial Intelligence has grown up

    Alan Turing predicted that computers would be able to think by 2000. No dice. Not even close. We still don’t understand what thinking ismore»

    3:00 am
    Museums and technology

    Audio guides, apps, multimedia: Museum-going is ever more mediated by technology. But attempts to woo audiences with razzle-dazzle can be alienating… more»

    3:00 am
    On postcolonial theory

    The ideas of a few South Asian historians snowballed into an influential concept: Subaltern studies. What have they wrought?… more»

    Tuesday, December 31st, 2013
    3:00 am
    Extinction of passenger pigeon

    How did the population of passenger pigeons drop from billions to zero in less than 50 years? Jonathan Rosen explains: They tasted goodmore»

    3:00 am
    Split personalities

    “A jest,” said Freud, “betrays something serious.” Chaplin, Pryor, Belushi, Grimaldi the clown. Are comedy and happiness incompatible?… more»

    3:00 am
    Making Up Hollywood

    Making up Hollywood. Brick dust and paprika, petroleum jelly and vegetable shortening, flour and white paint. Enter Max Factor… more»

    Monday, December 30th, 2013
    3:00 am
    On Lawrence Buell

    The Great American Novel is mocked as a foolhardy notion, reeking as it does of hubris. But the American fetishization of fiction persists. Why?… more»

    3:00 am
    Lunch with Élisabeth Badinter

    “I have a bizarre feminism!” says Élisabeth Badinter, who leads a decades-long assault on the idea of maternal instinct… more»

    3:00 am
    Essays by Craig Raine

    Forget pen and paper – literary critics employ scalpels, hand grenades, and dynamite. “Hatchet job” doesn’t begin to describe their work… more»

    Saturday, December 28th, 2013
    3:00 am
    On Tennyson

    Tennyson was a bore at dinner parties with his many prominent friends, who endured recitations of his latest, longest poems… more»

    3:00 am
    Saving the art of conversation

    We communicate more now than ever: email, text, tweet, Facebook. No boring bits in making a point. But is efficiency at the expense of conversation?… more»

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