aktolkynworldww's Journal
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Thursday, January 15th, 2009

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    Checking In
    Becki and I are total rock stars.I talked to Miss Reba this afternoon, to discuss the topics of hotels in Chicago, airfare to Portland over the summer, and orange panties. So, after much deliberation (because we are frugal) and much consternation (over the relative lack of speed a 56K connection possesses), we have booked ourselves a hotel for Tori-fest 2005. Our excitement is unparalleled. Thanks to Sir Joel for hooking me up with Hotwire.com, because we got a room at the Hyatt Regency (4 star establishment) for $67 a night. We're both quite excited about this, as it has a pool. Woohoo! We will be in the lap of luxury as we plan our next joint venture - our much-anticipated trip to Portland in late summer.Our plans for the weekend are these: Becki rolls into town Friday morning, and heads out sometime Sunday night. In between those two points in time, who knows where we will end up? (Other than rocking out at the concert.) You never know, we could land ourselves on Tori's tour bus... or in the front rows of the Auditorium Theatre. Cross your fingers, hah.This will be a weekend to remember.***Sidenote: Nothing makes me sing "I bring home the bacon" like paying my bills on time.***

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