
[info]aivars_liepa @ 06:22 pm: LOTRO momenti (ne manējie)
* Hassan_the_Assassin

Re: Mobs killing mobs! What is this world coming to?

Miluidir has given me my favorite moment so far in LOTRO.

My LM was heading into Evendim for the first time, from the North Downs. I picked up the full fellowship quest to deal with Miluidir and, naturally, since there is zero chance of finding a group for it on Meneldor, I decided to se how far I'd get on it on my own.

I managed to sneak into the ruin, found him without too much trouble and decided, very unwisely, to attack as soon as he had finished killing a tomb raider. It did not go well, especially when adds showed up. What to do? I made a run for it. Unfortunately I have a very bad sense of direction, so I took a wrong turn and got into a dead end. Faced with about 20 mobs, half of which were bowmen I found myself at the rez circle a few seconds later.

...and got the message that I had killed Miluidir and should head back to collect my reward.

Rewind the tape a few seconds.

A stupid LM runs through a camp chased by Miluidir. All tomb raiders, seeing an easy target, takes up the chase. The LM ends up in a corner, is hit by a shower of arrows and ...disappears! Miluidir howls in rage. He looks around. 20 tombs raiders look back.


-Look guys, can't we talk about this? No hard feelings about the killings or anything? Guys? Guys?

The circle closes in.

The Revenge of the tomb raiders!


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