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02:07 pm: Basic Wilderness Survival Quiz
You have made the following errors
Question 2
The right answer was knife.

Right answer:

- knife.

Your wilderness survival knife is an invaluable asset in the wilderness.
You always need a knife.

Question 4
The right answer was 0.5 - 1 Gallon ( 2 - 4 Liter ).

Right answer:

- 0.5 - 1 Gallon ( 2 - 4 Liter )

Question 10
The checkbox From experience, wandering around just makes things go further wrong. should have been selected.

The following four alternatives are true:

1. If you told someone, people are probably looking for you.
2. Lost people have a tendency to walk in circles.
3. From experience, wandering around just makes things go further wrong.
4. If you begin running around trying to find out where you are, especially
in the dark, you risk falling or injuring yourself.

Comment on the false statements:

You should definitely stay more then 6 hours waiting for a rescue team.
Wait it out, it might be many hours before anyone thinks you're actually
missing and contact the rescue team.
Then the rescue team has to try and find you - you probably have to
wait for days.

Question 13
The checkbox Using a pocket watch to find direction is an accurate method. shouldn't have been selected.

The following three alternatives are true:

1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west - roughly speaking.
2. The sun reaches its highest point at noon(correct for Daylight Saving Time).
3. At noon (correct for Daylight Saving Time) the sun is either true south or north.

Correction of false statements:

Shadows are longer in the winter than in the summer.
Finding direction with a pocket watch is a rough method of estimation.

Question 14
The checkbox Fire shouldn't have been selected.

Right answer:

- A positive mental attitude, shelter and water.

You will survive for weeks without food but only a few days
without water.
A fire will definitely make it more comfortable but a shelter
is more important in most situations.

Question 14
The checkbox Water should have been selected.

Right answer:

- A positive mental attitude, shelter and water.

You will survive for weeks without food but only a few days
without water.
A fire will definitely make it more comfortable but a shelter
is more important in most situations.

You have made 6 errors.
Total score: 16.

You are on the right track, but you need to improve your knowledge! Please, spend more time reading the content at: - just a good advice.

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