aivars_liepa @ : Iz Apollo LV muļķību maisa...
Zinātnieki atklājuši, ka vīrieša ģenētiskais materiāls, nonākot sievietes organismā, maina viņas DNS molekulas. Pirmā vīrieša sēkla sievietes ķermenī atstāj viļņu spektra autogrāfu. Zaudējot nevainību, šis autogrāfs ierakstās sievietes genomā un vairs nav izdzēšams. Vēlāk šī viļņu programma veido embriju ķermeņus.
Tēlaini runājot, visu nākamo vīriešu ietekmes tiek it kā sadalītas ķieģelīšos, no kuriem veido jauno dzīvību. Un tas notiek pēc pirmā brašuļa projekta. Jo vairāk vīriešu mātei ir bijis līdz bērna ieņemšanai, jo vairāk piesārņota viņas hormonu ķēdīte. Šo parādību pazīst arī suņu audzētāji. Ja izcilas šķirnes kucīte padosies krancīša mīlestības vilinājumam, viņas piederība pieklājīgai sabiedrībai būs beigusies uz mūžu — kucēni nekad nebūs tīrasiņu suņi. Šo pirmā tēviņa ietekmi uz nākamajām paaudzēm sauc par telegoniju, t. i., gēnu nodošanu no attāluma.
Interesanti, ja vien nebūtu pēdējais sviests...
Telegony is the alleged phenomenon of "infection" in heredity. Telegony is a discredited scientific theory. The idea can be traced back to the 19th century with the example of Lord Morton’s Mare, cited by Charles Darwin:
Lord Morton bred a white mare with a zebra stallion.
Later he bred the same mare with a white stallion but the offspring had strangely stripes in the legs.
However, the later check of the alleged phenomenon of telegony on different animal species (rabbits, horses, mice, sheep etc.) has reliably shown the lack of this phenomenon. The result obtained by Morton could probably be caused by the display in the offspring of the recessive genes inherited by the Morton's mare from her parents/grandparents. [1]
In mammals, each sperm has the haploid set of chromosomes and each egg has another haploid set. During the process of fertilization a zygote with the diploid set is produced. This set will be inhereted by every somatic cell of a mammal, with exactly half the genetic material coming from the producer of the sperm (the father) and another half from the producer of the egg (the mother, obviously). Thus, the myth of telegony is fundamentally incompatible with our knowledge of genetics and the reproductive process.
Still, the belief in telegony persists among some politically marginal groups, such as White supremacists in the Western world, as well as some other racists and/or religious fundamentalists, e. g., in Russia and other ex-USSR countries. For example, some White supremacists may argue that if a white woman has sex with an African-American man and produces a child of mixed parentage, then subsequently has sex with a white man, the second child will also be born with African-American physical characteristics.
Ko tik tie žurnālisti neizcilā ārā...
It was in the end of the 20th century in Russia’s Orthodox circles that the idea of telegony sprang up again. In 2004, a book “Virginity and telegony. The Orthodox church and modern science of genetic inversions” came out.
This book goes even further than the previous publications pertaining to telegony. Earlier, it was said that previous copulations will have an effect upon the subsequent ones. But the authors of the new book insist that only a woman’s first sexual partner will have a tremendous impact upon all babies that the woman may have with other men. The book says that a man who deflowers a woman becomes some kind of a genetic father of her prospective children. It sounds absolute nonsense from the biological point of view. The publication gives the same examples proving that telegony exists that Le Dantec gave earlier but mentions them awfully exaggerated or even distorted.
To scare readers and particularly women the new book tells about a woman who gave birth to a black baby through telegony (it is said that she some time ago had had a sexual contact with a black man, and that affected her future generation). To tell the truth, this book about telegony is a compilation of scary and incredible stories invented by the authors to make women be very careful about their sexual contacts. It is highly likely that the Orthodox church arrived at an idea to employ telegony to make the parish not to break one of the Ten Commandments that prohibits adultery.
Zinātnieki atklājuši, ka vīrieša ģenētiskais materiāls, nonākot sievietes organismā, maina viņas DNS molekulas. Pirmā vīrieša sēkla sievietes ķermenī atstāj viļņu spektra autogrāfu. Zaudējot nevainību, šis autogrāfs ierakstās sievietes genomā un vairs nav izdzēšams. Vēlāk šī viļņu programma veido embriju ķermeņus.
Tēlaini runājot, visu nākamo vīriešu ietekmes tiek it kā sadalītas ķieģelīšos, no kuriem veido jauno dzīvību. Un tas notiek pēc pirmā brašuļa projekta. Jo vairāk vīriešu mātei ir bijis līdz bērna ieņemšanai, jo vairāk piesārņota viņas hormonu ķēdīte. Šo parādību pazīst arī suņu audzētāji. Ja izcilas šķirnes kucīte padosies krancīša mīlestības vilinājumam, viņas piederība pieklājīgai sabiedrībai būs beigusies uz mūžu — kucēni nekad nebūs tīrasiņu suņi. Šo pirmā tēviņa ietekmi uz nākamajām paaudzēm sauc par telegoniju, t. i., gēnu nodošanu no attāluma.
Interesanti, ja vien nebūtu pēdējais sviests...
Telegony is the alleged phenomenon of "infection" in heredity. Telegony is a discredited scientific theory. The idea can be traced back to the 19th century with the example of Lord Morton’s Mare, cited by Charles Darwin:
Lord Morton bred a white mare with a zebra stallion.
Later he bred the same mare with a white stallion but the offspring had strangely stripes in the legs.
However, the later check of the alleged phenomenon of telegony on different animal species (rabbits, horses, mice, sheep etc.) has reliably shown the lack of this phenomenon. The result obtained by Morton could probably be caused by the display in the offspring of the recessive genes inherited by the Morton's mare from her parents/grandparents. [1]
In mammals, each sperm has the haploid set of chromosomes and each egg has another haploid set. During the process of fertilization a zygote with the diploid set is produced. This set will be inhereted by every somatic cell of a mammal, with exactly half the genetic material coming from the producer of the sperm (the father) and another half from the producer of the egg (the mother, obviously). Thus, the myth of telegony is fundamentally incompatible with our knowledge of genetics and the reproductive process.
Still, the belief in telegony persists among some politically marginal groups, such as White supremacists in the Western world, as well as some other racists and/or religious fundamentalists, e. g., in Russia and other ex-USSR countries. For example, some White supremacists may argue that if a white woman has sex with an African-American man and produces a child of mixed parentage, then subsequently has sex with a white man, the second child will also be born with African-American physical characteristics.
Ko tik tie žurnālisti neizcilā ārā...
It was in the end of the 20th century in Russia’s Orthodox circles that the idea of telegony sprang up again. In 2004, a book “Virginity and telegony. The Orthodox church and modern science of genetic inversions” came out.
This book goes even further than the previous publications pertaining to telegony. Earlier, it was said that previous copulations will have an effect upon the subsequent ones. But the authors of the new book insist that only a woman’s first sexual partner will have a tremendous impact upon all babies that the woman may have with other men. The book says that a man who deflowers a woman becomes some kind of a genetic father of her prospective children. It sounds absolute nonsense from the biological point of view. The publication gives the same examples proving that telegony exists that Le Dantec gave earlier but mentions them awfully exaggerated or even distorted.
To scare readers and particularly women the new book tells about a woman who gave birth to a black baby through telegony (it is said that she some time ago had had a sexual contact with a black man, and that affected her future generation). To tell the truth, this book about telegony is a compilation of scary and incredible stories invented by the authors to make women be very careful about their sexual contacts. It is highly likely that the Orthodox church arrived at an idea to employ telegony to make the parish not to break one of the Ten Commandments that prohibits adultery.