Bembijus barot aizliegts :D :D :D :
Ja jums nejauši gadīsies būt Ostinā (ASV) , tad atcerieties - bembijus barot tur ir uz stingrāko aizliegts, var izpelnīties $75-125 sodu.
Effective February 23, 2009, the City of Austin adopted an ordinance relating to the intentional feeding of deer. The ordinance amends the City Code to add Chapter 10-8 which:
* Prohibits the intentional feeding of deer within the City limits
* Instructs the City Manager to create a community education program
* Creates a Class C Misdemeanor for violations of Chapter 10-8
* Establishes a fine of not less than $75 or more than $125
Ja jums nejauši gadīsies būt Ostinā (ASV) , tad atcerieties - bembijus barot tur ir uz stingrāko aizliegts, var izpelnīties $75-125 sodu.
Effective February 23, 2009, the City of Austin adopted an ordinance relating to the intentional feeding of deer. The ordinance amends the City Code to add Chapter 10-8 which:
* Prohibits the intentional feeding of deer within the City limits
* Instructs the City Manager to create a community education program
* Creates a Class C Misdemeanor for violations of Chapter 10-8
* Establishes a fine of not less than $75 or more than $125