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[Aug. 30th, 2009|01:18 pm]

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[Aug. 12th, 2009|10:43 am]

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[Aug. 12th, 2009|10:42 am]

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Timecrimes | Nacho Vigalondo [Feb. 13th, 2009|02:38 pm]

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Revolutionary Road | Sam Mendes [Feb. 3rd, 2009|01:56 pm]

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RocknRolla | Guy Ritchie [Jan. 28th, 2009|01:23 am]

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Seven pounds | Gabriele Muccino [Jan. 27th, 2009|06:12 pm]

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Good for nothing Rokudenashi | Yoshishige Yoshida [Jan. 21st, 2009|02:14 am]

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Fists in the pocket | Marco Bellocchio [Jan. 19th, 2009|10:50 pm]

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Breathless | Jean-Luc Godard [Jan. 19th, 2009|01:28 pm]

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The Prefab People | Béla Tarr [Jan. 18th, 2009|09:20 pm]

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Before and After | Barbet Schroeder [Jan. 18th, 2009|12:02 am]

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The Wrestler | Darren Aronofsky [Jan. 7th, 2009|06:44 pm]

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Let the right one in | Tomas Alfredson [Jan. 1st, 2009|10:18 pm]

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Burn after reading | Ethan Coen, Joel Coen [Jan. 1st, 2009|08:20 pm]

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Остров | Лунгин Павел Семенович [Dec. 23rd, 2008|08:55 pm]

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Tropa de Elite | José Padilha [Dec. 23rd, 2008|12:03 am]

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Pineapple Express | David Gordon Green [Dec. 18th, 2008|07:53 pm]

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Happy-Go-Lucky | Mike Leigh [Dec. 6th, 2008|04:53 pm]

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12 angry men | Sidney Lumet [Dec. 5th, 2008|11:20 pm]

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