aai - April 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 7th, 2009

par muzikas biznesa naakotni un ne tikai [Apr. 7th, 2009|12:32 am]
[mood | bitchy]
[music |ai phoenix - revolution friend]

LV medijos, cik nu esmu pamaniijis, tas ir mazaak apskatiits topiks. Ja ari ir, tad loti nekvalitatiivi un primitiivi, nemaz nerunaajot par infantilajiem komentaariem, kas parasti pavada shaada rakstura zinjas (p., "Rachs un MicRec var iet d*rst"... vai ari, "kamer muzikas CD maksaas dargaak par matricu, tikmer es CD nepirkshu, 5 gadus jau neesmu pircis!" ("'hidden message': I'm cool!" - aai)

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Happy Birthday (noveeloti!) dear Explosions... ! [Apr. 7th, 2009|04:05 am]
[mood | bouncy]
[music |jap jap - surrounded by magic]

cik reizes nav redzeeti, bet vienmer sirdsstiigas plosa.. daudz saulainu dienu (kas Teksasaa laikam netrukst)..

Friday, March 13, 2009

10 years
Hello friends,

We don't think we've mentioned this yet, but 2009 marks our tenth anniversary as a band (we first played together in march 1999).

If you know us at all, you'll know that's pretty strange to us. Ten years of building something. Four albums. A lot of shows in a lot of places. A lot of a lot of things.

Ten years is a long time doing anything, and we're pretty proud that we've kept it together this long, and that we all still like and love each other.

We haven't been sure how to commemorate it.

And we may do something else, but for right now we're going to play some shows to mark the occasion. So far we have shows scheduled for Seattle (part of the Sasquatch Festival), Los Angeles, New York CIty, Chicago, Antwerp and dorset (part of the End of the Road Festival). There will be a few more shows added in the coming weeks. Please go the "shows" page at www.explosionsinthesky.com to find out more.

On a very related note, we have been working hard on writing new music with thoughts of a new album. We're going in some different places, and as usual it's taking us a while to get there.

So as of now, we aren't planning on playing any new material at the shows this year. We're thinking of these shows as just a commemoration/celebration of our ten-year anniversary.

But if you would like to hear some old jams, hopefully we'll be in a city near you sometime this year.

Also, just as a reminder, we are playing a show here in Austin on Saturday, March 21st. And we wanted to make it clear that this is a free show. No tickets, no special badges, no wristbands. Just show up.

Thank you as always. And thank you for listening these last ten years. It means a lot to us.

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