09 October 2015 @ 12:27 am
Gribu kniebties krāsainu lapu ( kļavas) kaudzē.
03 October 2015 @ 10:41 pm
Ziemassvētki šogad atnākuši krietni agrāk.
30 September 2015 @ 12:37 pm
Tik ļoti reāls sapnis. Pamodos klusi vaidot un miklu kājstarpi. Ko Tu ar mani dari!
28 September 2015 @ 10:20 pm
Viņš lika man nostāties ar seju pret sienu un mazu mirkli nekustēties.
T: Nu jau gan Tu stāvi kā nopērta :D
D: Nu nezinu gan, esi kādreiz kādu nopēris, ka zini kā tas izskatās?
T: Jā.
D: Emmm( šai brīdī manā galvā notika mazs orgasmiņš un iegurnī atkal sāka vilkt)
Es zināju, zināju, ka Viņā kaut kas tāds ir...
24 September 2015 @ 09:52 pm
Šodien tāds laiks. Saule, mazliet vējš, krāsainas lapas sabirušas uz ietves. Dievinu šadu rudeni. 
Lai kurp ietu un ko darītu, šodien prātā tikai VIŅA locekis un mēle. Eju un smaidu. Cilvēki smaida man pretī. Ja viņi zinātu :D
19 September 2015 @ 09:47 pm
Un tikai tagad, tagad- kad miljons gadu jau pagājuši, izrādās, ka Viņam šķitis, ka es pret Viņu izturos kā pret pimpi. Es tā izturoties pret visiem! Nē!
19 September 2015 @ 09:06 pm
Izlietu ūdeni nesasmelsi.
Šobrīd, šķiet, pārciešu smagākās morālās paģiras savā mūžā. Alkohols, bļaģ.
17 September 2015 @ 09:31 pm
Tā jau laikam arī ir, es patiešām esmu pilnīga dura.
06 September 2015 @ 10:37 pm
Pēriens ar skatu uz jūru.
20 August 2015 @ 10:05 pm
The one un pat ar manu burtiņu.
16 August 2015 @ 10:24 pm
Dievinu to sajūtu, kad Viņš saspiež starp pirkstiem manu krūtsgalu. Līdz sāpēm laba sajūta izskrien caur ķermeni un aizķeras kājstarpē.
12 August 2015 @ 09:31 pm
"ты слышишь? ты ещё найдешь того,
с кем сердце скоротает век,
а я, поверь, не тот кто тебе нужен"
сказал мне самый нужный человек
04 August 2015 @ 11:00 pm
"Sex creates chemicals that can be mistaken for love. Not understanding that about our bodies creates a lot of misunderstanding and unnecessary suffering."

02 August 2015 @ 04:35 pm
"— Ты любишь меня? — с надеждой спросила Сванхвит
— Он не любит тебя — раздался мелодичный голос в спальне — не может. Не может любить никого кроме меня. На его сердце волшебный замок, а ключ — у меня."

/Жестокие игры богов
01 August 2015 @ 09:30 pm
31 July 2015 @ 09:56 pm
"Я люблю морского бога. Он нежный и заботится обо мне и никогда не причиняет боли. Он всегда разговаривает со мной о том, чего я хочу или не хочу. И даже если любовь между богом и Жрицей невозможна, я останусь с ним. До конца. Пока не придет другая Жрица и не заменит меня ему."

/Жестокие игры богов
26 July 2015 @ 06:26 pm
‘Come on. We can’t leave until we get a bowl.’
We could leave then? Fine. I snatched the nearest non-diamante, reasonably priced bowl I could find, a simple white china thing, and thrust it into his hands.
‘Also a collar and lead.’
What. A. Cock.
/S. Morgan
25 July 2015 @ 12:20 am
'He stroked himself while I watched. I’d seen him do this before, but whereas normally it felt acceptable to help him along, this time I knew I could only watch. It was an erotic kind of torture, especially as he began to move faster, getting ever closer to coming.
Finally he groaned and aimed his cock down. For a split second I thought he was aiming for another part of my body or outfit, but instead he came on the wooden floor.
He told me later that the look on my face at that moment was a picture of confusion and annoyance. I can’t imagine it got any better when he spoke to me – I literally had to restrain the urge to push him over.
‘This is why, when I say clean the room, everything has to be clean. Now lick it up.’
/Sophie Morgan
23 July 2015 @ 11:57 pm
"Then he grabbed my ankles with his hands, holding my legs upright and spread, and placed the tip of his cock against my arse. I’d had anal sex before but I’d always been bent over. Now I was looking into his eyes as he slowly inched his cock inside me."

/sophie morgan
22 July 2015 @ 02:16 pm
"As he asked more questions and I stumbled a little answering them, I realised he was revelling in my embarrassment and awkwardness, enjoying the little humiliations of discussing this, knowing how wet it was making me. Adam’s different style of dominance was taking a little getting used to, and seemed to put me on the back foot even more than my previous experiences."

/Sophie Morgan " No ordinary love story"