[23. Mar 2007|00:46] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | +/- | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | + | ] | "I do not have to justify the way I live my life."
[21. Mar 2007|23:13] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | + | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Sunset (LR) | ] | Viņi skatījās viens uz otru, bet redzēja tikai sevi.
[14. Mar 2007|23:02] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | +/- | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Heartbeats | ] | "..but it's all and then it's nothing to me.." |
[29. Jan 2007|22:31] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | + | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Last Summer | ] | Man, lūdzu, kilogramu vasaras.
[23. Jan 2007|17:17] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | +/- | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | SP | ] | "Wrong or right, black or white..If I close my eyes, it's all the same." |
[16. Jan 2007|21:53] |
shell of a human.
what if.. |
[9. Jan 2007|16:57] |
Your Scholastic Strength Is Innovating |  You are the master of new ideas, techniques, and ways of looking at things. You are talented at structuring thoughts, decision making, clarifying, and making deadlines.
You should major in:
Marketing Psychology Desgin Cognitive Science Economics Photography |
[9. Jan 2007|14:10] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | ^_^ | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | A B C | ] | Where do I get THIS ?
[30. Dec 2006|01:34] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | (-_-) | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have | ] | Nerādi savu cepumu citiem.
[12. Okt 2006|00:00] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | odd | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Enter Shikari | ] | Imagination fills the gaps in our memory.
[29. Sep 2006|00:27] |
Sometimes "I'm sorry for the way I am". |
* * * |
[20. Sep 2006|10:02] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | + | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Incubus - Stellar | ] | We make a difference. |
* * * |
[12. Sep 2006|18:30] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | aI. R. | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Dredg - Movement I | ] | Šodien ir mazo, patīkamo pārsteigumu diena :P I LIKE |
>:P |
[9. Aug 2006|03:08] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | odd | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | nuthin:> | ] | "You just don't get it..you're SO pathetic.."
[5. Jul 2006|10:52] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | The Strokes - Last Nite | ] | "It is not necessary for the others to know whether I am joking or whether I am serious, just as it is not necessary for me to know it myself."
Nu ta' beidzot ir pabeigts.. |
[19. Jun 2006|11:04] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | sviestains.. :D | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Alphaville - Forever Young | ] | Nespēju noticēt/aptvert, ka vidusskola beidzot ir galā :P vispār savāda sajūta - negulēta nakts + jauni iespaidi par kl-biedriem..pārāk daudz informācijas 2 dienām.. :D
[16. Jun 2006|13:24] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | blissful | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Lostprophets - A Town Called Hypocrisy | ] | "..we're moving on!" |
* * * |
[13. Jun 2006|22:05] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | dumji, bet prieks :D | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Flyleaf - So I Thought | ] | Šodien beidzot biju pirmo reizi šajā gadā uz Jūrmalu ķert saules UVA starus :P yaay..sezona atklāta :D
[11. Jun 2006|12:13] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | :D | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | The Killers - Mr Brightside | ] | "Have no fear of perfection -- you'll never reach it." /S.Dali/ |
* * * |
[9. Maijs 2006|15:15] |
[ | Noskaņojums |
| | stoopid.. | ] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Lostprophets - ..and she told me to leave | ] | Atkal parādījās tā dumjā sajūta, ka man ir ļoti daudz ko teikt, bet nevaru atrast vārdus, lai to pateiktu =/