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[23. Mar 2007|00:46]
[Noskaņojums |+/-]
[Mūzika |+]

"I do not have to justify the way I live my life."
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[21. Mar 2007|23:13]
[Noskaņojums |+]
[Mūzika |Sunset (LR)]

Viņi skatījās viens uz otru, bet redzēja tikai sevi.
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[14. Mar 2007|23:02]
[Noskaņojums |+/-]
[Mūzika |Heartbeats]

"..but it's all and then it's nothing to me.."
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[29. Jan 2007|22:31]
[Noskaņojums |+]
[Mūzika |Last Summer]

Man, lūdzu, kilogramu vasaras.
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[23. Jan 2007|17:17]
[Noskaņojums |+/-]
[Mūzika |SP]

"Wrong or right, black or white..If I close my eyes, it's all the same."
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[16. Jan 2007|21:53]
[Noskaņojums |odd]

shell of a human.
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what if.. [9. Jan 2007|16:57]
[Mūzika |My Fair Lady]

Your Scholastic Strength Is Innovating

You are the master of new ideas, techniques, and ways of looking at things.
You are talented at structuring thoughts, decision making, clarifying, and making deadlines.

You should major in:

Cognitive Science
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[9. Jan 2007|14:10]
[Noskaņojums |^_^]
[Mūzika |A B C]

Where do I get THIS ?
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[30. Dec 2006|01:34]
[Noskaņojums |(-_-)]
[Mūzika |Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have]

Nerādi savu cepumu citiem.
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[12. Okt 2006|00:00]
[Noskaņojums |odd]
[Mūzika |Enter Shikari]

Imagination fills the gaps in our memory.
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[29. Sep 2006|00:27]
Sometimes "I'm sorry for the way I am".
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* * * [20. Sep 2006|10:02]
[Noskaņojums |+]
[Mūzika |Incubus - Stellar]

We make a difference.
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* * * [12. Sep 2006|18:30]
[Noskaņojums |aI. R.]
[Mūzika |Dredg - Movement I]

Šodien ir mazo, patīkamo pārsteigumu diena :P I LIKE
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>:P [9. Aug 2006|03:08]
[Noskaņojums |odd]
[Mūzika |nuthin:>]

"You just don't get it..you're SO pathetic.."
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[5. Jul 2006|10:52]
[Mūzika |The Strokes - Last Nite]

"It is not necessary for the others to know whether I am joking or whether I am serious, just as it is not necessary for me to know it myself."
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Nu ta' beidzot ir pabeigts.. [19. Jun 2006|11:04]
[Noskaņojums |sviestains.. :D]
[Mūzika |Alphaville - Forever Young]

Nespēju noticēt/aptvert, ka vidusskola beidzot ir galā :P vispār savāda sajūta - negulēta nakts + jauni iespaidi par kl-biedriem..pārāk daudz informācijas 2 dienām.. :D
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[16. Jun 2006|13:24]
[Noskaņojums |blissful]
[Mūzika |Lostprophets - A Town Called Hypocrisy]

"..we're moving on!"
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* * * [13. Jun 2006|22:05]
[Noskaņojums |dumji, bet prieks :D]
[Mūzika |Flyleaf - So I Thought]

Šodien beidzot biju pirmo reizi šajā gadā uz Jūrmalu ķert saules UVA starus :P yaay..sezona atklāta :D
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[11. Jun 2006|12:13]
[Noskaņojums |:D]
[Mūzika |The Killers - Mr Brightside]

"Have no fear of perfection -- you'll never reach it." /S.Dali/
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* * * [9. Maijs 2006|15:15]
[Noskaņojums |stoopid..]
[Mūzika |Lostprophets - ..and she told me to leave]

Atkal parādījās tā dumjā sajūta, ka man ir ļoti daudz ko teikt, bet nevaru atrast vārdus, lai to pateiktu =/
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