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[29. Okt 2015|23:43]
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šis manā mūžā depresīvākais mēnesis beigsies pēc divām dienām. alleluja!
dzīvoklī viena siena beidzot ir nokrāsota pelēka,vēl tikai atliek visu citu sakārtot un beidzot,beidzot,beidzot, saaicināt draudziņus uz sālsmaizi. ā,un vēl jāatrod dzīvei jēga. 

[User Picture]
Date:30. Oktobris 2015 - 09:12
The hostess from "The Middle of the Film" is handed an envelope containing the meaning of life, and casually reads it out: "Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations"