gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2022-07-06 00:34:00

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par ko delfos nerakstīs - zemnieku nemieri Nīderlandē

3 years since I posted this thread, we know so much more about the WEF agenda. Now the latest 'nitrogen plan' is to forcibly buy out farmers in such large numbers that the sector will basically be eviscerated. Destroy multigenerational livelihoods. All to tackle a completely fake 'nitrogen crisis' in a way that doesn't actually solve any pollution, but only ticks some bureaucratic boxes in the EU. We're sometimes talking about people who spent years, decades, going deep into debt to conform to ever-increasing regulations, including in recent years, only to then get rug-pulled anyway: "Sorry, you're going to get expropriated anyway, and you will never exercise this profession again."

The farmers are fighting back according to a similar playbook as with their actions in 2019, or like the Canadian Freedom Convoy. They are blocking critical infrastructure, including the distribution centres of supermarkets to show what a world without farmers looks like. And this is already leading to empty shelves in some supermarkets, ships stuck in canals, tens of millions of euros in damages, and a heavy-handed police response. The police follow the usual playbook: send in the agent-provocateurs to cause violence, then unleash the riot cops. But the police can't be everywhere at the same time. In the meantime the attacks on freedom of speech continue, like the arrest of a neurologist who exposed this kind of policing practices on Twitter (he has been kept incommunicado for almost a day now, muh rule of law right guys?).

I think this will end up like the truckers' convoy: normal people with families and livelihoods cannot keep up a high-intensity protest like this indefinitely, but they can send a message and cause a lot of damage, both financially and to the image of the government. And this is important not just domestically but also abroad, because this kind of 'eco' policy can and will come to a country near you. Don't think it won't happen just because you don't have a 'nitrogen crisis' yet, which for the moment miraculously seems to exist only in the Netherlands and Belgium. What people everywhere can do today is never to give in to Bill Gates initiatives like this, never become dependent on them for food. Keep up the demand for real produce. Go to a farmers' market or cut out the middleman entirely if you can. Check out some of the global initiatives like this one for raw milk (just an example). Don't eat the bugs.

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