None of the Above ([info]artis) rakstīja,
@ 2021-04-06 20:43:00

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The Left wants Christianity to kneel before its gods.
"Simply put, the Left wants to dethrone and subordinate traditional Christianity. They wish to prevent it from ruling America’s public culture and force it to obey a public culture, one the Left is busy establishing and enforcing. This is the very definition of revolution: a reversal of power relations.

(..) Thanks to the popular reign of “Christian morality and equity,” Tocqueville observed, “no one in the United States has dared to profess the maxim that everything is allowed in the interests of society, an impious maxim apparently invented in an age of freedom in order to legitimize every future tyrant.”

Seeking to liberate both the individual and the state from the limits imposed by any fixed and transcendent morality, the Left has labored for 70 years to end this favored (but non-coerced and unofficial) status of religion in our public life.

The revolution, however, does not end here. Having succeeded to a considerable extent in their quest to dethrone religion from its influence over the public mind, the left wants to subordinate religion to a new, non-religious morality.

(..) If religion could no longer use the encouragement of government to set the moral tone for the society, it would still be possible for religious believers to influence the moral tone of society, in proportion to their own numbers, by freely living out their convictions as respectable members of the society. Such a settlement would amount to the pluralism that earlier generations of liberals, such as Isaiah Berlin and John Rawls, once defended.

Today’s Left, however, is committed to an extreme form of sexual liberation that requires them to move the goalposts. They hold that individuals have a civil right to create and live out their own sexual identities. This right they understand as a freedom not only from the coercion of the law, but also from any public vestige of traditional Christian morality. Thus they have made clear that they will not be satisfied with pluralism, but that they instead seek to constrain religious practice when it refuses to condone and cooperate with the latest advances of the sexual revolution.

(..) Indeed, the point of the Left’s most recent moves is clearly not so much to protect the rights of some, but to create a public orthodoxy of sexual liberation to which all must conform. This is made clear by the balance of interests: it is much harder for the photographer or baker to pay thousands of dollars in damages or to find another line of work, than for a couple to find a different photographer or baker. The point here, then, is less to protect anyone from any harm than it is to let dissenters know that they will pay a serious cost for acting on their religious convictions.

The Left’s rhetoric in these debates reveals that they regard traditional religious believers as no better than bigots whose consciences deserve no respect. Indeed, while the 2020 platform of the Democratic Party affirms the right to religious liberty, it is careful to add that “[w]e will never use protection of that right as a cover for discrimination.” According to the ACLU, when religious believers do not want to provide services at a same-sex wedding ceremony, or demur at having to pay for their employees’ contraception, they are just using their religion as an “excuse to discriminate against and harm others.”

Where is this all heading? If it is permitted to proceed unchecked, the Left’s project will result in a total reversal of Christianity’s status in American society. Christianity in the 21st century will end up like atheism in the 19th: tolerated, but disreputable. Traditional Christians will be free to think their thoughts, teach their doctrines, and live out their beliefs privately, but not publicly with a view to shaping the culture in any significant way. If they seek to participate prominently in the nation’s social and commercial activities, they will have to leave aside any principles that conflict with the new orthodoxy. Perhaps even their teachings will be deemed “hate speech” and thus “deplatformed.” The country will be unrecognizable to those who founded it and those who preserved it for most of its existence. This is what the Left is seeking and what conservatives must resist."

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2021-04-06 23:10 (saite)
tu domā, ka šie sabiedrību formējošie procesi ir tik apzināti un mērķtiecīgi kā šeit aprakstīts?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2021-04-06 23:22 (saite)
Tā, ka tur kāds līderis visu ir iepriekš izdomājis vai šaura grupā sazvērējušies? Nē, nedomāju. Tas vienkārši izriet no kreiso progresīvo ieņemtā kursa. Viss pārējais loģiski izriet no pieņemtajām premisām (atļauts ir viss, kas nav aizliegts, seksualitāte priekšplānā utml.).

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2021-04-07 00:15 (saite)
Katrai kultūru pārveidojošai norisei ir pavisam konkrēti autori - noteiktām idejām ir gan to autori, gan praktiskie īstenotāji, idejas "pašas no sevis" neīstenojas. Šajā gadījumā ir runa par tīšu un apzinātu darbību vismaz 250 gadu, ja ne ilgākā laikposmā.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 00:27 (saite)
bet padomā 250 gadi. tās ir paaudzes. tas ir ceturtdaļgadtūkstotis. ja tā būtu šāda noturība, tas būtu pat skaisti.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 10:59 (saite)
Liberālisms un modernā patības izpratne ir tieši šāda uzstājīga noturība.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 13:53 (saite)
vai ne. un ņemot vērā, ka mēs abi esam jaunāki par 250 gadiem, būtu interesanti saprast kāpēc ne uz visiem tas tā strādā. vai strādā tikai daļēji.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 19:57 (saite)
Ne uz visiem, jo cilvēks pēc dabas tomēr ilgojas un tiecas pēc patiesības. Vairumam šie patiesības dzinuļi un maņas diemžēl notrulinājušās un ir ļoti grūti runāt pretīm popkultūras vairākumam un 24/7 cilvēcisko cieņu pazemojošai, bombardējošajai propagandai.

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2021-04-07 01:11 (saite)
Max Horkheimer

“The civilized world has been thoroughly saturated with Christianity for 2000 years. Any country grounded in Judeo-Christian values cannot be overthrown until those roots are cut. But to cut the roots — to change culture — a long march through the institutions is necessary. Only then will power fall into our laps like a ripened fruit.

“…it is through winning hegemony over the minds of the people and in robbing enemy classes of their most gifted men that Marxism will triumph over all.”

“For though Christianity appeared on the surface to be strong, it had for some time been debilitated by unceasing attacks against the failing remnant of Christianity. … Marxists must change the residually Christian mind… so that it would become not merely a non-Christian mind but an anti-Christian mind.”

“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”

Herbert Marcuse

“I see the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution. A worldwide overturning of values can not take place without the annihilation of the old values and a creation of the new ones by the Revolution.”

“The question is, Who will free us from the yoke of Western Civilization?”

“Any political movement capable of bringing Bolshevism to the West would have to be ‘Demonic’.”

“The abandonment of the soul’s uniqueness solves the problem of ‘unleashing’ the diabolic forces lurking in all the violence which are needed to create a revolution.”

“Woman is the enemy. Healthy love dies in marriage, which is a business transaction….The bourgeois family gives off swamp vapors.” “Politics is only the means. Culture is the goal.”

George Luckacs

“Separating sex from morality is the best way to make kids Marxists.”

Saul Alinsky

“A sexual revolution would require perhaps first of all an end of traditional sexual inhibitions and taboos, particularly those that most threaten patriarchal monogamous marriage: homosexuality, “illegitimacy”, adolescent pre- and extra-marital sexuality.”

utt. Ļoti tādi konkrēti personāži ar milzīgu ietekmi uz mūsdienu realitāti, godājami Rietumu skolāri un džentlmeņi ar nevainojamu reputāciju akadēmiskajās aprindās.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 10:38 (saite)
Ja jau ieliki "utt.", varēji turpināt. Labs konspekts. Ir kas izvērstāks?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 23:14 (saite)
Kad būs mazāk darba, mēģināšu saņemties ne tikai citātu zvejošanā, bet kāda garākā konspektā par frankfurtiešiem & co. Ja konkrēti par citātiem, tad šo biju kaut kad sen pārpostējis no kāda tml. konspekta un sazvejoju savā paša cibā.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-04-08 00:23 (saite)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

2021-04-06 23:35 (saite)
'The long march through institutions' plaana neatraujama sastaavdalja ir Bazniicas sagraushana no iekspuses


(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2021-04-06 23:50 (saite)
Labs video, paldies!

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2021-04-07 00:37 (saite)
Mēs it kā runājam par līdzīgām lietām tikai ar kādu 10 gadu laika nobīdi. Tas tiešām ir ento dekāžu un pat gadsimtu jautājums, bet tīri par to kā notiek šī brīža akselerācija patika jancīgs citāts:

2012: cultural marxism is a conspiracy theory, you're just paranoid
2013: it's just some teenagers on Tumblr
2014: it's just some wacky student groups
2015: it's just some eccentric professors and school administrators
2016: it's just most of our news media and some violent mobs in the streets
2017: it's just our tech industry and the largest megacorporations in the world, what's the big deal? LOL

Nu jau varam apdeitot, jo pa 3 gadiem daudz jaunu sātanismu normalizēts.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 11:25 (saite)
Precīza aitu vārīšanas stratēģija.

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2021-04-07 08:31 (saite)
tas būs tik brīnišķīgi, kad beidzot baznīcai atņems varu pavisam. beidzot cilvēki varēs pacelt galvu un atviegloti uzelpot, jo nebūs neviena, kas to vien dara, ka nosoda un uzdzen bailes da stresu.
nevaru sagaidīt.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 10:37 (saite)
Ļaudis pacēla galvas un atviegloti uzelpoja, kad Envers Hodža 1967. gadā pasludināja padomju Albāniju par "pirmo ateistisko valsti pasaulē", vai ne? Tā ir tā pasaulē, kurā Tu mums piedāvā atgriezties? Tajā pasaulē, kuru 1926. gada reportāžā apraksta anonīma autore žurnālam "The Atlantic". Viņa visai precīzi apraksta, cik ļoti visi bija laimīgi beidzot nokratīt baznīcas morāles važas (lai nebūtu neviena, kas "nosoda un uzdzen bailes da stresu"), atmetot arī "buržuāzisko" izpratni par laulību un ģimeni. Tieši atgriešanās pie šī Tev radīs sirdsmieru? OK. "You do you", kā saka.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 10:56 (saite)
es būšu laimīgs, kad būs nokratitas organizētās reliģijas važas, kuras tur cilvēkus bailēs. neesmu ateists, čilax

morāle ir dabsiska, piemīt daudziem dzīvniekiem. tam nav vajadzīga baznica. mēs instinktīvi spējam atšķirt labu no ļauna. Sapolskis to ir rūpīgi aprakstijis savā zinātniskajā traktatā. Behave: the biology of humans at our best and worst.
arī ateisisti apgalvo to pašu, ja nav nekādas debesu valstības, tad vēl jo vairāk ir jādzīvo vienīgā dzīve pēc iespējas jaukāk. un jo labāk jutīsies apkārtējie, jo labāk es. elementāra universāla patiesība.
saprotu tavu sāpi, vairs nevar runāt bulšitu atsaucoties uz pasaku grāmatu un neviens nerunās pretī.

baznīcai nav monopols uz morāli un ētiku. drīzāk otrādi, baznīca ir tik daudz ļauna darijusi, tik daudz ciešanu radījusi, ka varētu beidzot paklusēt. jo pretrunas ir brēcošas.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 11:02 (saite)
> saprotu tavu sāpi, vairs nevar runāt bulšitu atsaucoties uz pasaku grāmatu un neviens nerunās pretī.

Nepareizi. Es esmu ateists. Runāju pretī tiem, kas uzskata, ka baznīcai būtu jāizbāž mute. Jā, baznīcai nav monopols. Nē, tas nenozīmē, ka baznīca nevar izteikties par svarīgiem morāles jautājumiem.

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2021-04-07 14:13 (saite)
Un kurai no visām baznīcām to ļausim?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-04-07 14:59 (saite)
Visām. Vārda un ticības brīvības ir konstitucionāli nostiprinātas.

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2021-04-07 11:00 (saite)
Nabadziņš. Kādu vēl Eiropā knapi eksistējošā baznīca apspiež. Apbrīnojami.

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Neesi iežurnalējies. Iežurnalēties?