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...atkal.... [Mar. 29th, 2005|11:52 am]
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Put your hands all over my body
I don't think you know what pain is...
I don't think you've gone that way...
I could bring you so much pleasure...
I'll come to you when you say...
I know you want me...
I'm not gonna hurt you...
I'm not gonna hurt you, just close your eyes...***

Kā gan lai es izturušo spriedzi, ja viņš nespēj tam visam tikt pāri...es nespēju pretoties vairs viņa valdzinājumam....es viņu mīlu....bet mna liekas, ka viņš nu spēlējas ar mani....tāpēc centīšos jūtas norīt....un....lai iņš neuzzin par tām nekd....nekad....

Everyday is a new day
I’m thankful for every breath I take
I won’t take it for granted
So I learn from my mistakes
It’s beyond my control, sometimes it’s best to let go
Whatever happens in this lifetime
So I trust in love
You have given me peace of mind
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