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[21. Feb 2005|10:30]
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[oma |::: meža biezoknis :::]
[muzik |::: lomov - holzwege [2005] :::]

Older philosophers like Plato said that we can't see the truth directly. We can only see the shadows of truth, of the ideas, which are placed in another world beyond our perceivable world. Younger philosophers negotiate this assumption of a 'beyond world'. They affirm only one world, in which we are thrown. Existence is always temporal and there is no state beyond temporality. Our thinking about world and even our language is temporal as well. The problem of this approach is that the general assumption of the 'beyond world' requires a jump into this other thinking. But we can get closer, if we use poetry and other arts. The chance of music is that it is always temporal, so it seems to be the king's way to express a new sight on world.[fragments no lomov jaunā elbuma paša autora konceptuālās izpratnes skicējuma ::: rekomendēju...]

::: lomov - gone [considering the temporality of human relationship] - 2005 [.mov | 27 mb] :::

[User Picture]
Date:21. Februāris 2005 - 11:09
"The problem of this approach is that the general assumption of the 'beyond world' requires a jump into this other thinking..."
...nesapratu. ar "this approach" tad galu galaa domaats platona uzskats, vai veelaakaas skolas? kautkaads kishmish sanaak pa vidu...(just guess: muuzikjim maybe english nav dzimtaa?/another guess: kautkaa ne taa salasiijaas). bet overall, protams, doma skaidra.
[User Picture]
Date:21. Februāris 2005 - 11:11
deutsche... viss kopā. pa mežiem jāpablandās.
[User Picture]
Date:21. Februāris 2005 - 17:07
tev shonedeelj buus jaanaak pie manis ciemos eest kautkadu eedamu un iedzert kafiju, bet sestdien jaabrauc uz siguldu. kaa tev shaada perspektiiva? tie tomeer lielaakie slaloma machi latvijaa ever...
[User Picture]
Date:21. Februāris 2005 - 18:26
nu es izdomāju aizbraukt uz ventspili sestdien pēcpusdienā, paķiķināt Errorvīzijas nacionālajā skatē :D beeeee... :) bet dienas pirmajā pusē varbūt ka varētu aizlēkt līdz Siguldai ar. nāks tuvāk, uzmet meilu, okej?
[User Picture]
Date:21. Februāris 2005 - 21:08
nu mums te tipa vip mediju liste top, biju kungu iekljaavis...