Roxolana Destiny -
Decembris 10., 2015


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Vakar kanālā TV 1000 varēja labi mācīties, kā tikt galā ar dzīves sarūgtinājumiem. Padzīvojušo slepenpolicistu pameta sieva- modele, jo viņš daudz nebija mājā un kad bija, tad tikai nopietns. Nākamajā kadrā dzīves samītais domīgi mazgā un spodrina motociklu.
Motocikla man vēl nav, bet toties ir klozetpods. Un tik daudz nu es zinu, ka klozetpods
Cēsu vecpilsētā ir tikpat ekskluzīvi kā mocis Ņujorkā. Meklēju cifu.

(3 raksta | ir doma)

[User Picture]
Date:10. Decembris 2015 - 19:05
"Hast thou not heard of a thing, a wondrous thing, a thing into which these items are discharged—into water—and then a lever pulled, and then, with a mighty rushing sound, these things are borne away, far beneath the ground?"
"I have heard some talk of such .. ."
"Oh, 'tis true, 'tis true. There is such a thing. It has but recently been invented by one whom I should not name, and it involves great pipes and a seat without a bottom, or a top, really. It is the most wonderful discovery of the age—and I will have me one within a matter of moons!"
"Thou? Such a thing?"

[User Picture]
Date:10. Decembris 2015 - 19:11
[User Picture]
Date:11. Decembris 2015 - 00:05
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