06 May 2004 @ 09:27 am
ja es nēsātu krekliņu ar svastiku uz krūtīm, vai mani pārprastu?

who put the little baby swastika on the wall
who put the little baby swastika on the wall
it wasn't very high couldn't been more than four years old
who put the little baby swastika on the wall

da da dararam dam da da
džā džā, nemaz nesmejieties, es te dziedu
Current Mood: da dam, dararam dam da dam
Current Music: Skunk Anansie - Little baby swastika
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[info]krasais on May 6th, 2004 - 02:08 pm
es nepārprastu.
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eič sī[info]hellcat on May 6th, 2004 - 04:03 pm
kas to lai zina, ko tu saprastu :)
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