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Cirmuļa atklāsmes -

3. Mar 2009 16:48

I watch blogs.
I watch blogs all day long.
sometimes I grow tired of watching blogs, and then I write something in my own blog.
I don't read blogs any more.
it's too tiresome.
sometimes I open a blog and look at the shape of text.
if there are any pictures, I look for differences between them.
usually, there are too many, so I just watch.
sometimes there are audio clips in the blogs.
I turn them off because it's too tiresome to listen.
sometimes the blogs are exciting and memorable.
I don't watch those.
I don't want to remember anything.
it gets tiresome to watch, too.
I would stop it, of course, if there was anything else to do.
like sleep.
but I'm always sleep-deprived or free-time-deprived.
so I watch blogs.
all day long.

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