[Dec. 28th, 2016|09:42 pm] |
Tomēr paldies, ka uzzināju par viduslaiku mistiķi Džulianu no Norvičas, kura aizgāja pie Dieva un atnesa vēstīti, ka "viss būs labi un viss būs labi un visas lietas beigsies labi" (pirmā zināmā EN val grāmata, ko sarakstījusi sieviete) 'And in this he showed a little thing, the size of a hazel nut , lying in the palm of my hand, it seemed to me, and it was round as a ball. I looked upon it with the eye of my understanding and thought, 'What may this be?' And it was answered generally thus, 'It is all that is made'' I marvelled how it might last, for I thought it would have fallen suddenly to nought for littleness. And I was answered in my understanding, 'It lasts and ever shall, because God loves it, and so have all things their being by the love of God'. In this little thing I saw three qualities. The first is that God made it. The second that God loves it. The third that God keeps it" |
Comments: |
Tas terapeits tev ieteica Džulianu? Nu, tad viņš "nav tik slikts" )
Btw, Tu neesi sazvanāma, mēģināšu atkal rīt
Nu intelektuāli un garīgi viņš ir nenoliedzami ir jaudīgs, bet es šeit apšaubu tikai to, vai viņš ir labs kā mentālās veselības speciālists Telefons bija kaut kādā kabatā!! Nedzirdēju tikai tagad paskatījos Vai varam kaut kādā čatiņā sačatot? Gmail? | |