fuckin shit

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Maijs. 8., 2003 | 01:07 pm
mood: who the fuck am i...?

prom ir.

es raudaaju - nenotureejos. mama teica ka paaraak saskatu cilveekos tikai labo un paaraak piekjeros nepareizajiem, tiem kas to nespeej noveerteet.

veel shodien ~5am mees ar danu&fabsi seedeejaam/guleejaam stacijaa un eskalatora. un tagad vinji ir prom?!!!!!!!!!??????
dans atstaaja jaku manaa skapii. veel 1 lieta kas vislaik lix gaidiit augustu. tjaa. stulba meitene.

man uznaca cilveekmiilestiibas lekme.

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Comments {1}


from: anonymous
date: Maijs. 11., 2003 - 04:30 pm

are you writing about me and my jacket? well, i didn't have much time to pack my things and i didn't have much time to sleep either, so i just forgot my jacket. i don't understand a word you write here, but did you say "stupid boys" or "like all the boys"? well this actually doesn't matter, in switzerland, the weather's very warm. haha

greetings from the land with the mountains
