sirualsirual ([info]sirualsirual) rakstīja,
@ 2016-07-16 23:25:00

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I can only find words for.
And sometimes I can't.
Here are these flowers that stand for
I stand here on the sidewalk.

I can't stand it, but yes of course I understand it.
Everything has to have a meaning.
Things have to stand for something.
I can't take the time. Even skin-deep is too deep.

I say to the flower stand man:
Beautiful flowers at your flower stand, man.
I'll take a dozen of the lilies.
I'm standing as it were on my knees

Before a little man up on a raised
Runway altar where his flowers are arrayed
Along the outside of the shop.
I take my flames and pay inside.

I go off and have sexual intercourse.
The woman is the woman I love.
The room displays thirteen lilies.
I stand on the surface.


Es nespēju iedomāties, kā šādu dzejoli iztulkot. Man šķiet, ka Ode to Spring uzzied vai iznirst no zemes riskantajā rindiņā (lai gan viņam tā neskaitas riskanta) "Beautiful flowers at your flower stand, man". Man šķiet, ka pēdējās rindkopas rindiņā "the woman is the woman I love" noteiktais artikuls ievada "atklāsmi", vēršot skatu statiskā ainā, kurā arī lasītājam jāstāv, attopoties uz grīdas, ūdens vai "jēgas" virsmas.

un kur nu bez iekāres kātiem un iekāres ziediem

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