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[Sep. 22nd, 2008|12:56 am]
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kāda te par vīniem un sulfītiem, bet pašam sajūsmu rada frāze 'var saturēt riekstu daļiņas' uz produktu etiķetēm, kuros riekstus tāpat negaidītu.
“May contain” means the allergen is stored or processed close to the food product, and/or added to other food lines, but not purposely included in the product. We don’t know the chances of accidental contamination, which may be measurable if the same production line is used, but remote if the allergen is restricted to a separate building. The word “traces” implies extremely small amounts, but defining the allergenic potential of foods, and thus obtaining a threshold dose that triggers reactions in the majority of sensitised subjects, has proved difficult