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03:46 pm: Rītdien uz koncertu
"The Songburrow Strollers" - 2. vietas ieguvēji 'skatītāju atbalstītākie' konkursā Weatherstock lielkoncertā - sniegs savu trešo šīsvasaras koncertu netālu no Bree pilsētas, iepretī jaunceļamajai Tornleja fermai. Pasākums paredzēts 17tajā jūlijā, pēc satriecošās fanu atsaucības uz iepriekšējiem koncertiem Balklendā un Stadlē. Sapulcēšanās - 21:30 pēc latvijas laika, Laurelin serveris, Brī, uz ceļa uz Ziemeļiem, pretī Tornleja jaunceļamajai fermai. Koncerta sākums 22.00 pēc Latvijas laika, pie dzirnavām.

By Simbo Rumblebelly

The Songburrow Strollers - Breeland Concerts
Concert 3 - Thornley's Worksite(Sunday 17 July)

Over in Breelands, the Lankyshanks seem to be constantly building things. Not only is an Inn being built at Adso's camp, but some fellow called Thornley is working his men hard, and building a whole new farm. It's a hard life, and it is about time these toiling workers were given a taste of real entertainment in the form of hobbit music!

The Songburrow Strollers are pleased to announce their next concert at Thornley's Worksite in the Northern Breefields, on Sunday 17th July. The third of their planned Breeland concerts, following on from their successful concerts in Buckland and Staddle.

The concert will take place at the Windmill at Thornley's Worksite, which is close to the Greenway road leading to the North Downs. There will be a short gathering before the concert starts, where food and drink will be served, after which the concert will begin!

Folks of all shapes and sizes are welcome to attend, although tall folk should be polite enough to stand at the back so as not to block the views of the little folk.

Please note, since this is a venue away from the main town care should be taken by our younger visitors. The bears have been known to attack


Location: The Windmill, Thornley's Worksite, Breeland
Date: Sunday 17 July
19:30 BST (14:30 Server Time) - Meet-up at the small food area just North of the windmill
20:00 BST (15:00 Server Time) - Concert starts at the Windmill

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