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Been there, done that -
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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Your Brain is 46.67% Female, 53.33% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female

You are both sensitive and savvy

Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed

But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

stepes_vilks From: [info]stepes_vilks Date: 2. Aprīlis 2005 - 20:33 (Norāde uz piebildi)

esmu īsts vecis!

Your Brain is 33.33% Female, 66.67% Male

You have a total boy brain

Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts

And while your emotions do sway you sometimes...

You never like to get feelings too involved

cacibs From: [info]cacibs Date: 3. Aprīlis 2005 - 21:08 (Norāde uz piebildi)
ai man bija 80% femaile, apvainojos un neieposteeju :)
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User: [info]capslock
Name: CapsLock
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