The Cure

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Aug. 4th, 2010 | 08:15 pm
music: The Cure - Close to me

Es tikko sapratu, ka es nezinu nevienu live video, kurā Robert Smith dziedātu slikti. Nu tas ir sliktāk nekā ierakstā.
The Cure - Close to me(live)

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Comments {2}

Karstā latviete

(no subject)

from: [info]implozija
date: Aug. 4th, 2010 - 08:22 pm

ai, man tik ļoti patīk. :)


nav svarīgi, tāpat neatcerēsies

(no subject)

from: [info]medicated
date: Aug. 4th, 2010 - 09:22 pm

