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October 13th, 2009

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01:20 am - ***
ēēē, atļausit uzcienāt ar rammstein pr0n klipiņa "pussy" neizgraizīto versiju, bērniem un puritāņiem varbūt labāk neskatīties: http://spycelebrity.com/videos/rammstein-pussy-2009.html

un reamonn neglītā dziedātāja saldsērīgo dziesmiņu par par supermeitenēm:

And then she'd say,
it's Ok, I got lost on the way
but I'm a supergirl, and supergirls don't cry.
And then she'd say,
it's alright, I got home late tast night,
but I'm a supergirl, and supergirls just fly.


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Date:October 13th, 2009 - 02:11 am
akjēz, tā dziesma un klips ir apburoši un truli :DDD

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