Arlekīns - depressive nostalgia that I love and cannot live without yet hate and want to die because of [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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depressive nostalgia that I love and cannot live without yet hate and want to die because of [Apr. 10th, 2009|01:12 pm]
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[mood |swinging]
[music |Catalani opera]

bloodstone on my desk
bloodstone on my heart
eyes watching me
celestial bliss

I forget to breathe
to feel the pain that doesn't exist

the blood in my heart is nothing but sand
hard, cold stone pieces
shattered memories

scales on my eyes
heavy.. yet soothing
no tears

no more mirrors
no more vanity
just blinding scales
and a heavy stone on my heart
(squeezing the last of the Red that's left in it)

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