Are you living in the real world? - pirkums

May. 20th, 2008

01:09 pm - pirkums

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beidzot arī es esmu pamperbikšu un divu ļooooti naiss riepu īpašniece :)

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[User Picture]
Date:May 20th, 2008 - 01:05 pm
kādas ir ļooooti nais riepas?

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[User Picture]
Date:May 20th, 2008 - 01:07 pm
tādas kas nav ar milzu protektoriem ;)
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[User Picture]
Date:May 20th, 2008 - 02:59 pm
uz vēdera :DD
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[User Picture]
Date:May 20th, 2008 - 09:56 pm
taas nav naisss riepas ;p
vēderariepas ir jādzen nost nevis jāaudzē klāt :D rīt skrienam!!!
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